012 - Stars in his Eyes

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Warnings: n/a

The faithful morning of the date had arrived. Yoongi still didn't have any ideas on what to do, so he decided to consult Namjoon, who is sitting on his couch and searching the internet for ideas.

"How about going to a diner?" he looked up, only to see Yoongi raising a brow. "Nah, too basic. It needs something personal, you know what I mean?" he explained, staring out of the window with his hands clasped behind his back.

"You're already walking around like a grandpa, how about you two visit the old peoples home and have some coffee?" Namjoon snickered.

Yoongi just sighed and turned around. "Not helping." he pouted, letting his eyes swerve around the room. Then an invisible lightbulb appeared above his head. "I have an idea! How about I make us both some food and then we'll drive around on my bike?" he turned to Namjoon, who was nodding.

"Sounds romantic and definitely has a touch of 'Suga'. But how are you going to make dinner without poisoning him and you?" Namjoon continued, grinning teasingly.

"Ugh, you're such a brat. But I'll call Jin and ask if he's free to help" Yoongi said, nibbling at his lip. It wasn't the best idea to ask his enemies' brother for help, but he really wasn't the best cook.


About 45 minutes later, Yoongi's doorbell rang, and he never opened it quicker. He was greeted by an amusedly grinning Jin, who just pursed his lips to prevent his laughter.

"Yes I know, come in" he sighed, stepping aside. He closed the door, and Jin placed his bag down beside the sofa.

"So to get this right, you called me because you want a romantic dinner for Tae but can't cook?" the younger asked, grinning.

Yoongi just sighed and nodded. "Unless you want him to get food poisoning I suggest you help me."

"How do you even survive alone? Wait, scratch that, you don't" Jin pointed out and turned to analyze the kitchen.

As Jin was out of sight, Yoongi's stoic expression got replaced with a scowl, while Namjoon tried to suppress his laughter.

"I just love how he doesn't have one bit of respect for you" Namjoon whispered, laughing silently.

"Shut it Kim" Yoongi mumbled and joined Jin, carefully watching his every move.

"So, what are you good at?" Jin asked, inspecting the fridge.

"Uh, steak and pancakes" Yoongi answered, also looking into his fridge, noting that he really had to go grocery shopping soon.

"Well, with what you've got here... I'd say it's simple beef bulgogi with rice and red lettuce. You think you can do the lettuce and meat?" Jin turned his head to look at the blonde, who nodded slowly.

"Great, then let's get to it."


Around two hours later, the food was ready and Yoongi went into the living room, only to see Namjoon playing at his PlayStation.

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