007 - Intimidation

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Warnings: n/a

"Yes, project partner. Now please get off him, Joon" Yoongi couldn't help but grin. He sat down on the couch and began bandaging himself again.

Namjoon stood up and held a hand for Taehyung to get up, but he scurried to his feet alone. Taehyung backed away, too scared to say anything.

Namjoon sighed. "I'm Namjoon, that's Hoseok. Sorry for scaring you but we thought you were from another gang" he said.

"Do I look like I'm from a gang?" Taehyung said, arms crossed and eyebrows drawn together. Hoseok eyed him up and sighed. "You don't. But you can never be careful enough"

Taehyung just sighed and sat down on the sofa, regaining his composure. "Y'all are so hot-headed! First I have to see Yoongi choking one of my friends, then threatening my best friend's brother with a knife, and then I get pushed down to the floor and also a knife to the throat."

Namjoon looked dumbfounded. "Wait he choked who? And he threatened Luhan, didn't he?" The sigh in the end was evident.

Yoongi tensed up at the memory and looked at Namjoon. "I choked Jungkook. And yes I threatened Luhan"

Hoseok started choking on his saliva, "Jungkook as in bastard-snitch-ruined-your-life Jungkook?"

Yoongi nodded wordlessly and Taehyung saw Namjoon tense up. They really don't seem too fond of Kook...

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked and Namjoon grinned. "Checking up on you. And why does it smell so good in here?"

"We made food." Was Taehyungs answer, he was still glaring at both boys who stood in the room.

"We?" Hoseok asked and wiggled his brows. "Did we miss something Yoongles? I thought we're best friends" he pouted.

Yoongi groaned and glared at Hoseok. "Shut it Hobi." He then turned towards Taehyung. "I'd love for you to stay and eat, but it's totally fine if you don't wanna spend more time with those two shitheads."

Taehyung giggled at that, and Yoongi thought he might die of cuteness overload.

"I'll stay. But one condition!" The brunette looked at Namjoon and Hoseok. "All weapons on the kitchen counter."

Both boys wanted to protest but were shut up by a raised brow from Yoongi. They complied and soon enough the kitchen counter was filled with knives, guns, and a truncheon.

Taehyung eyed all the diverse weapons bewildered, still not fully progressing the situation he's in. He then set the table with the help of Namjoon, Hoseok talking about something with Yoongi.

"So you're in Highschool? How old are you?" Namjoon said, somehow wanting to make up for the incident they had earlier.

"I'm 18" the brunette mumbled, still a little uncomfortable around the other.

"Listen. Yoongi and I kinda have a lot of history, he's like a brother to me. I just wanted to protect him, and I'm sorry I mistook you for a gang member. And I'm sorry that he probably gave you nightmares by bleeding out on your doorstep" Namjoon sighed.

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