008 - Surprise

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Warnings: n/a

The kiss happened five weeks ago. It did have an impact on both boys, but neither wanted to show it.

Their project was almost done, it only needed the finishing touches. And they needed to meet up for that, but couldn't seem to find a place and time when both are free.

Taehyung wanted to avoid Yoongi because he was unsure about his feelings towards the blonde. Yoongi acted as though he didn't care, but Namjoon just knew something was up by the way he buried himself in work.

Yoongi was busy teaching their new member, Jimin, all the basics and stuff, and he'd lie if he'd say he thought that Jimin isn't attractive.

Taehyung currently was in his room, with Jin, watching movies. Jin came over almost every evening after the kiss happened because otherwise, Taehyung would've lost his mind.

He thought he was straight the whole time, but that kiss made him overthink. Why did it feel so good and so right to kiss Yoongi? Why did he miss his affection? After all, they're just project partners, right?

He sighed and Jin threw a pillow at him. "People are trying to watch a movie here, could you stop sighing so loud?"

"But I miss him and I don't even wanna miss him!" Taehyung whined and turned around to lay on his back.

"That's what people call 'crushing on someone', Tae. You won't die." Jin sighed and faced his best friend. "But- I don't know this feeling and it's creeping me out! And I certainly don't know how to behave around Yoongi!"

„My god Taehyung, just be you! Stop acting like Sharpay from Highschool Musical" Jin said and grinned at a slightly pouting Taehyung.

"Maybe you should try to be around him more to figure it all out." Taehyung wanted to answer, but a knock at the door disturbed them.

After a short grunt of affirmation, the door was opened by Taehyungs father.

"I'm sorry to disturb you boys, but I need to have a short talk with you."

Jin nodded and Taehyung just sighed and sat up. "What is it, dad?"

Taehyungs father closed the door behind him and sat down on his son's worn out desk chair.

"I don't want you to go out after 10 pm." He said, in a voice which made every attempt of talking back fly out of the window.

"Why?" Taehyung asked, utterly confused.

"There has been an increase in gang activity in this part of the city. And when I say gang activity I mean people get severely injured or killed." His father raised a brow because neither of the boys seemed too surprised.

Taehyung couldn't help but be reminded of Yoongi again. He thought about how he looked on the verge of death, so disturbingly beautiful.

"Do you know which gangs are involved?" Jin asked, trying to conceal his worry for his brother with curiosity.

Taehyungs father sighed. "One of them, yes. They call themselves EXO, and they have a gang war with another gang. We don't know that one yet, but we know that they're dangerous. Yesterday night we found a body, which isn't identified yet. But he was a part of that other gang, we'll examine their tattoos and look for similar ones on other people."

At that, panic fully set into the brunettes system. What if that person was Yoongi? What if Yoongi would be arrested? What if- there were too many what-ifs.

He looked to Jin for help, but the raven eye looked equally worried for his brother. Both boys looked distraught, and Taehyungs father thought it's because of the news he just delivered.

𝔐𝔦𝔡𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 [ᵗᵃᵉᵍⁱ] ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz