027 - Endgame

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Warnings: blood, violence, death


That was the first word that came to his mind when someone asked Yoongi to describe his surroundings.

Due to the city being on lockdown, no pedestrians were out and about, cars driving by were rare.

He was staring out of the window, the TV fading into white background noise, just like the voices of his friends. No matter how many deep breaths he took, every single one failed to calm him down.

He looked down at his phone, which was switched off for two reasons—the first one being that the police could track them down easily. The second one is that he didn't want to message Taehyung. It was a conflict in itself, he wanted to reassure the younger that the plan worked and that he was fine, but he also didn't want to worry him even more.

Because Yoongi only lied when necessary.

He sighed and turned around again, meeting Namjoon's worried gaze.

"Stop staring out of the window like that. It'll work out," the younger said, his eyes flicking back to the TV.

Yoongi followed his gaze and saw a news report displaying the city from above, just as deserted as it looked out of his window. Namjoon grabbed the remote and turned the volume up, curious to what the public believed.

"The city of Seoul is currently on lockdown because two rival gangs pose a significant threat to the public. Im Jung-Ah, the spokesperson of the Seoul Police Department, announced the following:"

The screen changed to a conference room, a woman with a strict bun and a navy-blue blazer standing at a lectern.

"We will do our best to condemn the danger as fast as possible. However, we ask the general public to stay inside, lock their doors and windows, and do not open up, even if the person is claiming to be a police officer. In those troublesome times, it is important to possess a healthy dose of mistrust. Please keep following the updates on the situation on TV, Radio, and other legit sources. Thank you for your cooperation."

Namjoon sighed and turned the TV off, his head falling back against the rest. "This blew up way bigger than we intended to. Helicopters are all over the city; every single surveillance camera that catches us is an important lead. Maybe it would be better if—"

"No." Yoongi stopped him. "We agreed to the deal, so now we pull through. Any news from the tech team?"

Namjoon gave the blonde a wary look but pressed the tiny button on his earpiece, asking for news.

The response came almost immediately. "We could make out the pattern the helicopters are flying. In around 17 minutes, there's a small time frame where we can start."

"Good. Give the go to everyone when the time comes. Is the distraction team ready?" Yoongi asked, falling back into his leader headspace.

"Every team is ready and at their designated position. We're ready when you are," Yeonjun answered, not failing to elicit a small grin from Yoongi.

"You know I'm always ready."

"Roger," came the short answer followed by laughter. Yoongi slightly shook his head and picked up his pistol, checking the ammunition and engaging the safety. Namjoon did the same, both preparing as if it was an every-day thing.

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