013 - Adrenaline

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Warnings: n/a

It was Sunday, Yoongi had just driven Taehyung home and was on his way to a meeting, his mind clouded with thoughts of the younger. He already missed the brunette, his heart aching to hold him again, but he pushed those thoughts away to keep his focus on the meeting.

He arrived at the abandoned gym they used for those meetings and shut his engine off, entering the building with his hand on the gun secured at his belt.

He already heard chatter coming from the hall, so he hurriedly passed the locker rooms to enter it. Everyone was gathered around a table with chairs on it, which they brought from the dump, not caring if it had scratches and the like.

As soon as the people noticed Yoongi approaching, they quieted down and respectfully bowed their heads, receiving a nod of acknowledgment from their leader. Yoongi sat down and leaned back in his chair, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it. "What's on today's agenda?"

Yeonjun, one of their newest recruits, spoke up. "We get fewer deals, apparently EXO is paying dealers better than we are. We lost two over the course of the last week, they ran over." the male finished, breath stuttering slightly under the intimidating eyes of Yoongi.

The latter took a drag and inhaled deeply, thinking about a solution. "Well, we can't risk that they tell EXO information. We either lure them back by paying more, or we just kill them off."

"Killing them off is the safer option, EXO could persuade and use them to spy on us." Namjoon intervened, tracing circles on the wooden table. Yoongi just nodded, exhaling a cloud of grey smoke. "Then that's settled. Any other matters?" he asked, looking through the round of familiar faces.

It was quiet for a few seconds until Hyunjin raised his hand. "We're not in school, but go on" Yoongi mused, an entertained smile on his lips.

Hyunjin's cheeks adapted a slightly rosy color due to embarrassment, but he carried on without stuttering. "I'd like to report that our finances are sufficient enough to branch out. We could expand our business into the illegal trade of weapons or even human trafficking."

Yoongi's lips curled up into a smile, tapping his cigarette against the ashtray. "I knew it was smart to include someone who studies business economics. But we don't do human trafficking, we are a family with dignity. Does someone know about trading weapons?" he asked, eyes serving through the round.

Changbin hesitantly nodded and stood up, lightly shying away from Yoongi's intense gaze. "Uh, I know a little about it. My father owns a legal shop, and he tells me about gangs ruining his business."

Yoongi nodded, extinguishing the cigarette. "Very well. Gather information and report a rough plan to me, work together with Hyunjin. I trust you two to increase our income."

"Yes, Sir," Changbin said, sitting down again. Yoongi was about to declare the meeting as finished, but Hoseok spoke up. "I think we should contact the Hwang Family, they have lots of dealers under contract, we could help each other out."

Yoongi leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table and folding his hands. "Explain."

Hoseok leaned forward too to have a better view of everyone's reactions before carrying on. "They have an established business, and I heard that they're willing to corporate. We give them good quality drugs, and they give us money in return. I know their son, it'd be easy to establish a contract."

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