018 - Truly, Madly, Deeply

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Warnings: n/a

Yoongi groaned, rubbing his face with both hands. "If someone had warned me beforehand, I never would've agreed to this."

They were sitting in a booth at a small pizza place near the school, Taehyung, and Jungkook fighting over which pizza was better, margarita or mozzarella.

Yoongi sat right there, and many other customers threw him pitiful looks, sensing that the blonde was just as annoyed as they were. As the two boys began pinching each other, the blonde had enough. The two had drained his little amount of patience he carried with him for today, so he stood up and gently pushed the two younger males back into their respective places.

"Enough. Here are other people who want to enjoy their food, and as seniors, you two should know how to behave in public places," he said, looking at the table and trying to keep his cool. Taehyung and Jungkook just stared at him with big round eyes, as if they were toddlers, and he just grounded them from watching their favorite show. "Choose," he added and gave both a menu, sitting down to enjoy the new peaceful silence engulfing the table.

Yoongi had chosen his dish about ten minutes ago, and he was starving. Both Jungkook and Taehyung sheepishly looked into their menus, so Yoongi leaned back and closed his eyes. The day was stressful as it is, and now the thing he tried hard to banish from his thoughts pushed itself to the front. He had one day left to decide whether they took up the deal or not,  and he knew that neither decision would end pretty.

In moments like those, he wished he wasn't the leader of the Bangtan Boys, doubted his abilities. Was he fit to decide over thirty people's lives? Was he old enough to make those decisions? Sometimes he even wished that his family didn't pay him so much respect, that they would intervene and question his decisions. But they trusted him with their lives because he was everything they had left.

He was a broken man, barely out of his teenage years, leading thirty equally broken people to survive somehow. He knew that sometime along the way, he was bound to mess up. Make a mistake. Lose some of his people. And he dreaded that day.

He didn't even notice how his thoughts were consuming him, eating him up alive. Not until he felt a light touch graze his cheek, tender as the wings of a butterfly.


He recognized the voice, calming him down like the waves crashing against the lithic shore that was his mind. He opened one eye and saw Taehyung looking at him, pretty amber eyes widened and clouded with worry.

He sat up straight and saw Jungkook observing them, hesitant on approaching him. "I'm okay. Just a few worries," he declared, not wanting to ruin their early dinner. Taehyung didn't seem convinced but nodded along, turning towards the waitress who was taking their orders.

He turned to Jungkook, not wanting the table to turn silent again, afraid that his thoughts would tear down his walls like an army invading a city. "So, what are you planning to do after school?"

Jungkook seemed taken aback, "I guess I want to be an architect," he trailed off, the presence of Yoongi causing his bubbly side to subdue under the fear. He was afraid to say something wrong, to make Yoongi leave again. He denied it for years, saying that he never liked the older and he didn't mean anything to him. But after meeting him at school and getting pressed against the wall with a knife on his throat, let him realize that he was lying to himself.

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