004 - Dark Secrets

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Warnings: Blood

It was close to 1 am, as Taehyung and Jin heard banging at the front door.

"I thought your parents were out?" Jin asked and Taehyung looked just as confused.

"They are... What if it's a burglar?" He asked, eyes wide. "Grab a weapon, we'll scare him off!" Jin whisper-shouted.

Taehyung nodded in agreement and grabbed a potted plant, whereas Jin unplugged the lamp on the nightstand and nodded.

They went down the stairs as quietly as possible. They got startled by banging again, but this time much weaker.

Taehyung silently grabbed the doorknob, and Jin pushed the bolt locking the door aside. They both gave each other a reassuring look before Taehyung pulled the door open.

They were ready to fight, but the only thing they saw was a motorbike laying on the street. "What the fuck?" Jin whispered, lowering the lamp.

A groan made them look down, seeing a bloody and barely conscious man lying on the doorstep. Jin screamed and Taehyung just gaped at him. "Oh my god." He whispered, choking on words.

"H-Help... Please... G-Got shot..." a familiar voice whispered. Taehyung and Jin looked at each other in disbelief. "Yoongi?!"

Yoongi weakly turned his head to look at Taehyung, who shrieked his name. "Sup?" He almost whispered and gave them a weak smirk.

Reality hit Jin and he dragged Yoongi inside by his leather jacket. Taehyung checked the street if someone was following them, and quickly closed the door and locked it.

Jin peeled the bloody jacket off Yoongi's body, and with the help of a pocket knife, which he found in the pocket carefully shredded the older's tank top.

Taehyung bolted down the stairs with a first aid kit in his hand and practically threw this at Jin. "You're lucky my parents are doctors" Jin mumbled and began to clean the wounds. "I need tweezers." He instructed Taehyung, who ran around the house like a headless chicken.

Once they were done, they carried Yoongi to Taehyungs room and gently placed him on the bed. Jin went to take a shower to get the bloody stench off himself, and Taehyung sat on the bed looking at a peacefully passed out Yoongi.

"Who are you really, Min Yoongi?" He whispered, looking at all the tattoos littering the boy's body, which were always hidden by sweaters.


As Yoongi opened his eyes, he found himself somewhere he never woke up. He sat up confused but winced at the pain shooting through his body.

"You shouldn't move too much. One, because your wounds will hurt, two, because Taehyung will fall off the bed." He heard a voice from somewhere.

His head whipped around to the source and he bit his lip. "Okay... and..." he looked down to see his body all patched up. "... thanks." He ended and gave Jin, the owner of the voice, a sincere look.

"Once Taehyung wakes up, you have a whole lot of explaining to do," Jin said sternly, to which Yoongi only sighed and nodded in defeat.

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