014 - Desire

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Warnings: Violence, Blood, Murder, Death

He followed the person until they went into an alley, Yoongi leaning against the brick wall just around the corner, he peeked into the alley, it was a dead end. How dumb do you have to be to only plan one escape route? He shook his head in disappointment, killing those two off certainly wouldn't be a loss.

He heard a voice echoing out the alley, he acted as if he was on his phone, head lowered, listening intently to the conversation. The voices grew louder, sounding like an argument, making it easier for him to eavesdrop.

"I told you your last delivery was shit! What happened to the good stuff you sold me two weeks ago?" an infuriated male yelled, making Yoongi smirk. Quality over quantity.

"Listen, I can't refund. But I have better stuff this time, trust me!" he recognized the voice of the dealer, internally rolling his eyes.

"I trusted you last time, and what happened? I wasted my money!" he heard the safety of a gun being disengaged, this was his cue to step in. He wandered into the alley, hands in his pockets, acting as if he just took a wrong turn.

"Hey!!" the dealer yelled, it was obviously directed at him. "Piss off, go elsewhere to smoke your crack!"

Yoongi just chuckled lowly, stopping about two meters away from them. He didn't talk, and also didn't look up, just standing there, knowing exactly it would rile the males up.

"Are you deaf?" the other person snarled, obviously annoyed at his mere presence. "We have something important going on here, so get the fuck away."

Yoongi just tutted, shaking his head slowly. He looked up, his dark eyes blitzing in the faint light of the street lamps. "That's not a nice way to talk to someone you want to sell out."

His ex dealers face suddenly lost all its color, the other 'costumer' looking rather confused. "Go and contact someone else for the good stuff, I'll make him regret selling you trash." Yoongi directed the unknown male, who just nodded and jogged off.

"So... Gah Youngsoo, right?" Yoongi continued, voice overly friendly. The male just nodded, gulping, knowing exactly why the blonde was there.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't pleased with how things were going?" the leader asked, faking a pout.

"I-I... Others paid better." Youngsoo answered, warily glancing around, avoiding Yoongi's eyes.

"But did you really have to sell us out? You could've talked to us. That's what determines a good employer and employee relationship." Yoongi sighed, shaking his head in faked disappointment.

"Listen SUGA, I—" Youngsoo started, pathetically trying to save himself.

"I don't wanna hear it." Yoongi snapped, having a deja vu from earlier that day. "You really thought you could run over to EXO without me finding out?" he asked, eyes glimmering menacingly, lips curving up into a terrifying smirk.

"No, I swear—" he couldn't elaborate further, the blonde's hand connecting with his face. He had no time to regenerate, Yoongi's fists were raining down on him like a thunderstorm. He was releasing all of his pent up anger, which to no surprise happened to be a lot. He didn't care that his knuckles were bloody, and he also didn't care that Youngsoo was barely conscious anymore.

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