Chapter 25

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Zain's POV

I returned back to work after everything. I had houses to sell and land to buy and build houses on. Kind of just went ham and worked crazy hours.

"Do you know how much money is coming in at the moment?" My dad asks as he sat in my office.

"Yeah." I say. "Ive seen." I open my laptop and he hands me a piece of paper. My dad washed money through my company as well as his others.

"You need to make sure you read it." He says and I just nod.

"Your mom is really worried about you? Since you stormed out that get together two weeks ago we barely seen you." He says

"Did you see how much money im making?" I ask him. "I am busy."

"Okay, take a break. Go hang out with Kai Caleb and Ayla."

"My dear brother and my two cousins are still enjoying their break from college- were on different timezones."

"You're afraid youre gonna bump into Mia."

"Why would I be afraid of Mia?" I frown.


"Don't even answer that." I say and he laughs. I get it Mia was a great fighter.

"I love you dad- but I need to do work."

"Okay." He says shrugging. "Never thought I'd tell you to stop working less.. I'm gonna just enjoy it while it lasts."

"You gonna support me forever?" I ask smirking. "I am turning 21 soon. Aint that a trust fund time?"

"You? With millions able to just waste it on partying."

"So no?"

"Theres one that opens at 25." He says. "And one at 35."

"Great." I roll my eyes. "Always wanted a jet."

"To go where?"

"Everywhere? I want to open Adam's House in California. Great housing market there."

"I like this business mind. But put it to rest for a night please."

"Fine fine." I say and he nods messing my hair up before he leaves.

I pick up my phone seeing Elsie calling. Wonder what she wanted.

"Hey." She says and I stop typing.

"Whats up Elsie?"

"I was wondering if you could help me. I need a place. For myself. Kinda pathetic I am 25 and live at my dad's house."

"You got your divorce settlement?" I chuckle

"No, unfortunately not. He's dragging his feet the bastard." She says.

"What you looking for?" I say

"A house. Plenty space for my baby. A pool. A movie theatre. Gym. Good view."

"In what area?"

"Anywhere near my dad's house."

"I have a house but its only tonight I can show you- tomorrow its open to the public."

"I called at a great time then?"

"Yep." I say and she laughs.

"Send me the address, I'll meet you there." She says. Great another commitment. I get up texting her the house details.

30 minutes later I was outside the house and went in with my key as I waited for Elsie. She usually took forever.

"Hello?" I hear at the front door. Someone was punctual. I walk over to the front door and see Mia.

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