Chapter 11

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Zain's POV

Kai's party seemed to be a hit. Everyone was having a blast. My whole family was here all of Kai's friends- even the obnoxious ones who he played basketball with.

"Well you really threw a party? This successful?" My dad says as he appeared with Liam his girlfriend Sofia, and Tim and his brother Alex.

"Yes." I say grinning. I know I have built myself a reputation of not being able to actually successfully do anything. I have always been lazy and let others do it. I think this year with my business actually being a successful business I am proving myself to be way more sufficient than everyone thought.

"All this under age drinking though." Alex says to me taking my cup. Alex was dads older brother and he was a straight A student and now a doctor. Very non into whatever my dad and Uncle Mason were. Ive been drinking since forever and my mom did occasionally tell me off but it wasnt really a big deal especially since they were often high or drunk.

"Its apple juice." I lie taking the hennesy shot back.

"But for real though- can't believe you guys growing up so fast." He says as I look at Kai who was dancing with Aaliyah and Mia.

"Whose the girl?" My dad asks

"You don't know Aaliyah Dixon?" Sofia asks my dad. "Am I supposed to?" He asks her

"She's a model." I laugh. "She's like everywhere. She probably has security with her at this party."

"Oh wow." Liam says laughing. "Wait your kid dating a celebrity?"

"Kai's not dating her." I say. "They're just friends."

"If you say soooo." Liam says and I look at them again. Yeah he liked her but he was not over Jordan. I could tell he still missed her a lot.

"What? Do you wanna place a bet?" I ask Liam who laughs. "If I win you let me drive your Bentley around for a week."

"Any damages that he does is on you." My dad tells Liam who laughs. "Hey- I don't wreck cars.. anymore." I tell my dad who laughs.

"And if I win?" Liam asks frowning.

"Kai's not dating that girl anytime soon." My dad says. "He isnt like this soppy one." He nods at me and I frown. "Soppy? Me?"

"Yes you." Liam says rolling his eyes. "Yeah to you because youre my future father- in law." I tell him. "Ofcourse- I am head over heels for your daughter. I'd kill for your daughter.. actually I think I've already done that." I say and my dad smacks the back of my head.

"How do you just confess to murders out loud." My dad says and I laugh.

"Right... I'm gonna go chill with people my own age." I tell them as I leave this bunch.

I take Mia's hand who was dancing around and twirl her around making her laugh. She looked absolutely beautiful... she had a golden dress on that had no sleeves or straps. It was long and had a slit showing off her leg. Her hair was swooped to one side.

"You look so good." I tell her as she smiles at me. "Thank you." She says showing her pretty straight teeth. "You look unreal." I tell her as I just stared at her green eyes. "Stop it you're making me blush."

"You wanna turn around for me?" I ask as she twirls around showing me her behind before she pressed up against me and wrapped my arms around her.

"You're dad will kill me." I tell her as she dances on me. I turn her back around watching her smirk.

"How did I get so lucky?" I ask her and she just laughs at me. "They were calling me soppy." I say and Mia laughs looking at our dads.

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