Chapter 9

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Mia's POV

"Hi Nick." I say walking into the kitchen with Zain behind me. He was setting the table.

"Hi Mia." He says as he put the cups down. He looked a little distracted.

"Stop it. I'm already doing it." Riley says to Nick who puts the plates down now. Riley was the housekeeper around here.

"Hi Riley." Zain says as she smiles at us. "Hey guys. Get your dad out of here please." She says and I chuckle as Nick rolled his eyes walking out the dining room. We just follow him out to the living room and I see Kai and Mariana sitting on the sofa.

"Look whose here." Kai says nudging Mariana. She's been gone a hot minute. She studies at Harvard.

Mariana looks up seeing us and starts screaming as she gets up hugging Zain first.

"Hey sis." He says as he lets go. Mariana then hugs me. Was she mad at me? I hope not. She usually hugs me first?

Mariana is the most loudest happiest loving family member of the Adams. She was so sweet. She was always there for everyone. She was only 18 but the smartest. She had a thing for tech and was able to hack people and shit. Mariana's birth mom died at birth so she was adopted by Desi later on. She looks significantly different to theboys. She has green eyes and blonde hair.

Mariana had now jumped Zain's back. Zain and Kai were pretty close. Like best friends close. But Zain had a soft spot for Mariana. He missed her when she left for Harvard even though he encouraged her to go.

Mariana falls off of Zain's back as Zain was trying to stop Kairo's punches.

"I'm not taking nobody to the hospital." Nick says to his kids as he rolled his eyes while they laughed. He got up leaving as he took a phone call

Zain laughs sitting down next to me. "Happy early birthday twin." He tells Kai punching his arm.

"Hey!" Kai says.

"Birthday punches?" Zain says. Mariana sits down and I look at her. She was definitely mad at me.

"I missed you." I tell her

"I missed you too." She says and I look at her. She wasnt the confrontational type like me.

"How is Arianna?"

"She is fine." She says. "We broke up."

"What?" I say frowning. "Yeah ages ago. Turns out Mariana isnt into girls after all." Zain says and I look at him. "You were in LA that summer." She says

"Why didn't you tell me or call me?"

"Because the only time I hear from you is when you're with Zain." She says shrugging. And there was the issue.

"What?" I say a little taken back. "Its not a problem honestly. I get it." Mariana says shrugging. "Anyone want a drink?"

This really upsetted me. I loved Mariana and she was as much my friend like Zain and Kai were growing up.

"Yeah actually now that I think about it- you cut me off that summer too." Kai says to me and I throw a cushon at him as he laughs. I get up following Mariana into the kitchen.

"Its not a big deal honestly." Mariana says as she gets a bottle of water out. Even angry she was being nice.

"Look I'm sorry for being so self-centred this summer. My break up with Zain never means I'm breaking up with you?"

"Its fine Mia. It was a crazy summer." She says and hugs me. It really was a crazy summer.

"So what happened?" I ask sitting down.

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