Chapter 26

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Kai's POV

"I can't feel a single thing." I tell Kairo who keeps touching my cast. My parents made me come back home while I was getting better. I was basically unable to do shit for myself.

"Okay. Can I write on it now?" Mariana says taking the marker from Kairo. The living room was filled with my family.

"Maybe just not drawing penises?" My mom says taking the pen from Mariana who laughs. "Its not me! It was Zain."

"It wasnt me." Zain says who sat on the sofa. He wrote Zain Adams is the best and Kai Adams sucks. He was right.

"I'll write." Yassy says as she sat on the floor next to me. The cousin that we saw once in a million years. She was a year younger than us, uncle Mason's kid.

"Yassy's handwriting is so nice." Mariana says as she watched. "What did you write?" I ask

"I'm promoting my jewelry business. You got lots of friends." Yassy says and I laugh at her.

"Hey Aaliyah." My mom's voice made me look up. She was followed in by Mia who hugged my mom.

"Hi Mrs Adams." Aaliyah smiles. She was wearing black ripped jeans and a black top. She wasnt wearing any make up, had her hair up in a messy bun.

"Were you not supposed be in Paris?" I ask Aaliyah. Just yesterday I was telling her to go on her flight this morning. She was supposed to be in Paris for fashion week.

"Decided to stay." She says.

"How you feeling champ." Mia says sitting down next to me.

"I'm fine." I tell her. "So you missing out on Paris too?"

"Yeah. As soon as you recover I will be giving you loads of shit for it." Mia says and I chuckle.

"Im out for 6 months atleast." I tell her. "So, thats a very long grudge to have."

"6 months?"

"Don't exaggerate, the doctor said 8 weeks in a cast. Then it can take up to 6 months to get you fully using your knee again." My dad says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I tell him

"You in pain?" Aaliyah asks and I nod. "A little. But not as bad as when I came out of surgery."

Everyone jusf slowly left the living room I guess to leave me with Aaliyah?

"I'm staying here a couple weeks."

"Why? I can nurse you back to health?" Aaliyah says and I chuckle. "Not sure, my parents and Riley are here to help me out."

"Riley? The nanny?" She chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Come home, ive taken this week off and next week. I am here to help you?" She says and I look at my mom who walks into the living room.

"Hey mom, I really dont need to stay here." I tell her and she looks at me and then Aaliyah.

"Nope. You're definitely staying here with us. You've just come out of surgery. Why do you wanna be all alone in your apartment?" She says picking up Teddy's toys from the floor. "Do you want a drink?" She asks Aaliyah.

"No thank you." She says and disappears.

"Well gues thats resolved." I tell Aaliyah. "Im gonna let you get some rest in nephew." Uncle Mason says as he appeared with uncle Alex. "Get well soon." They say both clasping their hands in mine messing with my hair.

"Thanks for coming by." I tell them and they nod leaving.

Zain and Mia reappear in the living room and sit down far away from each other.

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