Chapter 8

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Zain's POV

"Is that Kairo?" Mia asks me as I see him sitting next to some pretty brunette girl. He was showing her something on his phone as she laughed at him. They sat courtside. He was still wearing his school uniform. Kai must have brought him here.

"Who is that?" Ayla asks.

"Aaliyah Dixon. Kai's friend/ neighbour." Mia says and I look at her. "Thats her?" I say and she nods.

"She is the prettiest model out there." She says and I chuckle. "Are you into Kai's girl?"

She rolled her eyes dragging me along to them as she held my hand.

"Yooo." I say as Kairo looks up. "Hey." He says looking at us.

"Kai got me from school today. He then took me to his. We had mcdonalds. We watched them warm up and everything." He says excited.

"Hi." Mia says to Aaliyah who smiles at us. "Hey."

"We haven't met before." I say to Aaliyah.

"Kai's brother right." She says and I nod. "How did you know?" I ask and she just laughs.

"This is Ayla." I say as I turn around trying to find Ayla who reappears.

"She's our cousin." Kairo says. "And Mia is Zain's girlfriend."

"Thanks Kairo." I say and he looks at me. "Have you spoken to mom or dad?" He asks. He looked worried the poor kid. Should I be worried? Ive called them both no answer.

"Eh. No. You wanna get a hot dog?"

"Sure." He says as I go down to the place with him.

"Mom and dad are fine Kairo." I tell him and he nods a little. "They usually call me when they cant pickme up from school."

"They're just a little busy." I say putting my arm around him. "You know we are here."

He nods taking his food and I buy some extra candy and drinks while we cheer Kai on. He was really trying to impress Aaliyah. I could tell the way he was playing.

As the game ends I look at my phone and see my dad calling me. I tell Mia ill be outside as it was so loud in here.

"Dad." I say answering.

"Hey." He says calmly. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Are you my father? Whats with the questions?"

"You just left Kairo with us?"

"What do you mean Kairo? Wheres your mom?"

"You haven't spoken to her?"

"Zain." He sighs. "Where the kids?"

"Mom left and shes in Seattle with Teddy. She's taken him but we convinced her not to drag Kairo too."

"Where are you guys?" He asks

"At the game."

"Okay. I'll see you in 10 minutes." He says and I sigh. I was starting to get annoyed because my parents never slacked. Yes I moved around because they were fighting but they were reliable and always supportive.

When the game ended it took some time and all for the whole thing to finish. I sat outside smoking a cigarette waiting for my dad to pull up.

I watch him pull up in his range rover and getting out. He looked fine. Not a scratch on him. He had on his usual jeans and tshirt. He wore a northface coat over it.

"Stop smoking that shit. It aint good for you." He says as I get up.

"Don't lecture me! Where the hell have you been?" I ask him.

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