Chapter 28

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Mia's POV

"Mia." Zain says and I try to find my voice but it was gone.

"I came to get something." I say finally. He looked so good in this black jacket and pants with a white buttoned up shirt underneath. I could smell his perfume.

"Oh... okay." He says letting me in. I knew he was going to be wining and dining this Yasmin, I couldnt talk myself out of not coming.

This whole month I have worked on myself making sure I wasnt losing my mind. I dont even drink anymore.

I pick up a pair of heels I randomly found and walk down the stairs where Zain was standing chewing the inside of his cheek.

"You look good." He says to me. I knew I did. I did it on purpose. I was wearing a tiny black dress and had my hair down.

"You going on a date?" I ask him throwing my hair over my shoulder.

"Eh..." he says. "Yeah. I am."

"Oh." I say nodding. "You look good." I tell him.

"You didn't really come to get those heels huh?" He says and I look at them and chuckle.

"I did. Elsie wants to borrow them."

"Is she not like 10 months pregnant?" He asks and I chuckle.

"7." I say and he nods.

"You broke up with me remember?" He says and I just stare at him. "Then you played games with me for a whole month. Then ignored me for another month acting like were ok. And friends." He says and I stare at him.

"Don't go." I say and he sighs. "Don't go on the date."

"Mia." He says and I step forward and put my lips on his. He did not do anything. He just stood there and then kissed me back.

"You're crazy." He says breaking the kiss. "You only wanna be with me because someone else got my attention. That's fucked up."

I nod a little before taking the heels leaving. "Mia." He says but I was already out the door. I mean truly, he was right. I was fucked up. I just thought he'd just wait for me and we would live happily ever after.

I leave and go home. I cried in the car for a while before getting myself together. I think reality set in really.

"Hey. You okay?" Sofia says seeing me walk in. "Yeah. Good good."

"Mia?" My mom says and I look at her sitting on the sofa too. Since when did they hang out?

"I'm just tired. Going to bed." I say walking up the stairs.

I shower, take my make up off and wash my hair before I get into bed. I just scroll through my phone and like a crazy person stalk Yasmin's insta.

I knew Yasmin from high school Ofcourse. Never friends. She wasn't the popular type. She dated Zain for some time but then me and Zain were just friends.

Yasmin was a sweet girl, very shy back then. Guess she grew up. She had blonde hair and looked beautiful.

I decide to just watch some TV and forget this mess.

My phone starts ringing and I sigh remembering I never put it on silent. Zain was calling me. I felt so stupid for what I did.

"Come outside." He says as I answer. I sigh and look at the time. It was nealy 2am. Someone had a good date. I put on a hoodie and slide my feet into my adidas slippers.

Zain was leaning against his car as he looked up when I opened the door.

He just stares at me as I walk over. I end up in his arms as he pulls me in hugging me. We just stand there for a while. His lips eventually find mine and I stop him.

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