1 : Fatigue

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♫ 0&4 


When alone in a house, one might think that it would be quiet. Though not in this household. The room's air was filled with the sound of soft plucking of an acoustic guitar. The blondie was in his own world as random melodies was being played by him. Though his fingers stopped when the front door being opened was heard.

He leans back slightly onto the sofa to take a glimpse of the person that had just entered the room. Though, he didn't really need to see the person to know who it is. Obviously since he only shares the house with one person.

"Ahhhhh I'm so tireddd", the person whined. The black-haired walk into the living room Kanghyun is in. Without taking his coat or scarf off, he just plops face first onto the sofa where the blondie is. A small chuckle left Kanghyun as he eyes the tired male.

"You want something to eat?" the question was immediately answered with a nod. Kanghyun places his guitar on the floor, leaning it against the sofa before heading to the kitchen. He decides to prepare something that will ease his housemate's exhaustion.

"Yonghoon," the said male, who accidentally fell asleep, raises his head as he rubs his eyes. He sees a blurry view of Kanghyun crouching in front of him.

"Your food is ready", he continues.

Yonghoon nods, lifting himself off the sofa. He yawns slightly as he walks to the table where they would usually eat together. It's not really a dining table since it wasn't that big. Just a casual size table that they placed against the wall.

He eyes the food that had been placed in front of him. He turns to Kanghyun who was at the kitchen to grab a drink for the older.

"Thank you Kanghyunn~", the older says tiredly. He was still a bit drowsy from the short nap. Kanghyun smiles lightly when placing the glass of water onto the table. Yonghoon takes a bite of the meal, his face immediately scrunches up at the delicious taste. Kanghyun places his elbow on the table, leaning against his hand as he eyes the other.

"How is it?" Kanghyun asks, as he was genuinely curious about Yonghoon's feedback on his cooking. Though he always cooks for them, he was still a little insecure about his skills. And Yonghoon would always tell him the same thing; that his cooking was the most amazing thing he has ever eaten.

"Perfection! I can already feel my fatigue leaving my body," Yonghoon stated with a smile, before continuing to munch on the food. His answer always bring a smile onto Kanghyun's lips.

Noticing how Yonghoon still had his coat and scarf on, he stands up from his seat and moves closer to Yonghoon to remove them. Yonghoon only then realizes about it.

"Oh, I forgot I was still wearing them," he laughs as he helps Kanghyun. He was about to take the clothes from the younger, but Kanghyun refuses.

"Finish the food already. It's going to be cold," the other stated as he walks to the coat hanger that's near the entrance door.

Yonghoon did as he was told, munching on the meal until it was all finish. Kanghyun, at one point, takes the seat across from the older again, watching him eat with delight. Yonghoon would sometimes offer a spoonful to the younger, and Kanghyun didn't reject it. He was even sometimes surprise by how good his cooking is. He didn't even expect it to be well made, which Yonghoon always finds funny.

A few bites later, the plate was finally empty. Kanghyun was about to take it, but Yonghoon was faster to react as he grabbed it first.

"I'll clean it myself since you cooked for me," the older says. Kanghyun nods, the older heading to the sink afterwards. He decides to go back to the living room, sitting on the sofa after taking his guitar with him. He starts to pluck some strings, continuing his random playing from before.

Yonghoon joins him after doing the dishes, the older taking a seat beside the blondie. Though he then proceeds to lay himself, resting his head onto the younger's lap.

Kanghyun notices it. He didn't mind the action since Yonghoon does this a lot anyways, so, when he saw that the older was about to lay down, he moved his guitar a bit closer to his body, letting there be some space on his lap for Yonghoon.

"I'm full, and I feel sleepy now..." Yonghoon spoke with eyes close.

"Then go to bed?" Kanghyun perks an eyebrow as he responded. Yonghoon tilts his head slightly as he opens his eyes to look at the younger.

"I want to hear you play as I fall asleep though," Yonghoon says, causing a small laught to escape Kanghyun. "You always hear me play guitar though,"

"And I never get tired of it. Come on, play something," the older continues, giving the other a small pat on the arm as a way to tell him to just start strumming, before closing back his eyes. He adjusts a bit to make himself comfortable.

Kanghyun, seeing how there was no way around it, gave in. He shakes his head with a small smile before focusing back on his plucking. He plays the same random melody from before, but making it a bit gentler and soft sounding. The perfect music for lulling someone.

He notices after a few minutes or so, that Yonghoon had fallen asleep on his lap. He didn't mind it though, and just continue to play with a small smile on his lips.


This story may be updated randomly and the flow is like a...daily look kind of thing?

If you couldn't tell, I got this inspiration from the Ingredients Mini Series. (I recommend those who haven't see it to watch it uwu)

The story was very cute and I like the whole idea around it so, I decided to try and write my own version with Yonghoon and Kanghyun as the main characters~ So of course, one of them can cook, aka Kanghyun. While Yonghoon can't hahaha

Short character info for them, most of it i try to follow their actual character, tho it won't be 100% accurate. The bit difference is that, they aren't idols here! Yonghoon is working, while Kanghyun goes to University (I would write College but I don't know anything about that lolol).

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