6 : Caring

380 32 23


♫ Ring on my Ears 


Beep beep

The doctor takes the thermometer from Kanghyun after hearing it beeping, indicating the reading is complete. The lady hums a bit as she reads the temperature, which got Kanghyun worried.

"You have a bit of a fever. But don't worry, it'll be gone after a good rest. So I recommend you to go home for the day," Kanghyun nods as she advises him.

His nose had been a little stuffy and his throat didn't feel all that well. But it wasn't super horrible. He thought it was just the flu.

The doctor went to the medicine cabinet to grab some pills before going back to Kanghyun.

"Here's some medicine to help with the fever. Make sure to eat it as soon as possible or it'll get worse. And also this slip to excuse you from classes," she smiles as she hands the pink paper to Kanghyun. The boy lowers his head to thank the doctor before leaving the University's clinic.

He expected to just get a flu medicine and that's all. A fever huh.

Deciding to follow the doctor's advice, he decided to leave for the day. He met up with Harin beforehand, asking for a favor in giving their lecturer's the excuse paper.

After getting the all clear from Harin, Kanghyun left that afternoon to take the bus home.

"...I'm back...", he mumbles as he enters the house, closing the door behind him.

All of a sudden, he felt tired as soon as he sees his living room. Not knowing why though. Maybe because of how comfy and cozy the surrounding looks. Especially the sofa.

Though he shakes all thoughts of resting at that time because he has some assignments he wanted to finish by today. But the more he rejects the idea, the more his body wanted to lay down. He also need to eat the medicine...

"Maybe a little nap is fine," Kanghyun gives in his desires as he drags his legs towards the sofa, and immediately landing face-first onto it.

God, the feeling is suddenly the best thing ever, because, in a matter of minutes, Kanghyun's eyes shut close as the sleepiness rushes over instanly.

"I'm home~" The loud voice rings through Kanghyun's ears which made him a bit uncomfortable. He moves the small pillow from his arms onto his ears.

"Ah! Kangie, why are you back so early? Doesn't your class ends at 4.30?", Yonghoon steps to the sofa while checking his wristwatch to make sure he didn't look at the time wrong.

Yonghoon got off work earlier as usual, which is allowed since his job is a lot of at-home types anyway. And usually during Wednesdays, he doesn't have much to do at the office so, he decided to get home at 2pm, expecting to be alone when he saw the figure sleeping in their living room.

"...hhnn...", Yonghoon heard Kanghyun mumbles.

"Did you say something?" He leans closer to hear the other's words.

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