10 : Can't Sleep

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♫ Regulus ♪


A yawn escapes Yonghoon as the movie credit rolls in. Perfect timing actually.

He stretches his arms a bit before standing up from his seat, turning to Kanghyun who had switched off the TV.

"That was a hell of a ride, and now I'm tired," Yonghoon yawns again, catching Kanghyun's attention.

"Then go to sleep hyung," he says with a little laugh.

Kanghyun begins to bring their empty dishes into the kitchen sink. Yonghoon followed minutes after as the younger starts to wash them.

"I can clean my own cup you know", Yonghoon leans over the kitchen counter.

"It's fine hyung. Since I'm washing my dishes, might as well clean yours too", he looks over his shoulder towards Yonghoon for a split second, before focusing back on the cleaning.

Yonghoon wanted to argue, but what's the point when Kanghyun is about to be done with it anyway.

"Foinee. I'll turn in first then. Good night~" Yonghoon steps away and towards the stairs.

"Make sure to wake up early for tomorrow's Barbeque Day, hyung!" Kanghyun says as the older was halfway up the stairs. He got a long 'OK' from Yonghoon nonetheless.

As he enters his room, Yonghoon removes his glasses that usually wear at night, placing them on his nightstand. He removes the covers, slipping under them before closing the light.

After adjusting himself a bit, he finally laid down and fell asleep.


Yonghoon suddenly woke up in the middle of the night for no reason. He checks the time on his phone.

He regrets not lowering the brightness beforehand as it shined on him so harshly, he could go blind.

After adjusting it, he checks the time again, seeing it was 1 am or so.

He groans, tossing the phone to the side before rolling over to sleep again. But a few minutes pass by and he was still awake.

Sighing deeply, Yonghoon sits up, scratching the back of his head. He wonders why he couldn't go back to sleep though being quite sleepy still.

Thinking maybe a cup of water would do him good, he rolls off his bed and out of his room.

As he walks out, he notices how the door to Kanghyun's room was open, and the inside is empty. The younger wasn't there.

Thinking it was odd, Yonghoon navigated his way down the stairs. Just then he notices how not all the lights were switched off.

He looks around, spotting the backyard light shining through the slightly drawn back curtain.

Curious, Yonghoon step closer, peeking his head between the curtain and out the door.

To his surprise, he sees Kanghyun sitting at one of the chairs, with his legs up as well. He seems to be in his own world.

"Kangie?", he calls the younger one with a quiet volume, not wanting to startle the male. Kanghyun turns around, not expecting to see Yonghoon awake.

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