4 : Pup

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♫ Love Me 


The day was pretty boring for the most part. Feeling like they could get something done during the weekend, Kanghyun suggested that a little cleaning would do them good. Yonghoon was lazy at first, but in the end, he just went along with it.

At that moment, Kanghyun was taking care of the living room area, while Yonghoon does the backyard.

For the most part, it was going well. That is until Kanghyun heard a yelp coming from outside. More specifically, where Yonghoon is.

He stops the vacuum before looking out the sliding door. To his surprise, he sees Yonghoon standing on the chair while holding a broom in hand.

"What are you doing?" Kanghyun asks. The older only answered by pointing below him, which Kanghyun's eyes follow. It's a cute puppy. It barks happily at Yonghoon, which made the male scared even more.

Kanghyun sighs, before walking closer to the small animal. The puppy noticing his presence as it barks and places its paw on his legs. Kanghyun crouches down to its level, rubbing the animal's head gently.

"Are you lost, little guy?" It barks in response as if understanding Kanghyun's question.

"He came into our backyard from the bushes, which caught me completely off guard," Yonghoon answers, still standing on the chair. The broom he's holding is for defense just in case the puppy decides to climb up.

Hearing so, Kanghyun assumes it's probably the neighbor's pet then. He lets the puppy smell his hands, before carrying it in his arms. The animal barks a bit, before giving Kanghyun's cheek a little lick, causing him to laugh at the ticklish feeling.

Seeing how Kanghyun was holding it, Yonghoon feels safe enough to get down from the chair. Though, he still made sure to keep some distance between them.

"Hyung, could you take out the trash in the kitchen while I take care of this guy?" He asks the older, who nods immediately at the request. Anything that can get him away from the small dog.

"It better be gone by the time I come back though Kanghyun," He said before scooting to the side, making sure not tó get close as he enters the house. Kanghyun finds the older being so over dramatic. He knows Yonghoon is kind of scared of puppies, but he never expected it was this terrible.

The only time he saw it ever happen was when they met one as it was walking down the street with its owner. Yonghoon made sure to switch places with Kanghyun before they cross paths. He thought it was because maybe Yonghoon was allergic to them or something, until he explains he was sort of scared of puppies. At that time, Kanghyun wondered just how terrified the older is.

Well, now he knows based on Yonghoon's reactions just now.

After throwing out the trash, Yonghoon came back into the house. He went to the kitchen before instantly backing up once seeing Kanghyun squatting down beside the puppy, watching it eat something Kanghyun probably made.

"I thought you promised it'll be gone before I came back??" Yonghoon says, catching the younger one's attention.

"I didn't promise you anything hyung", he replied with a scoff, standing up shortly after.

"Hyunguuu you know I'm scared of the- AH!" He started to complain but got interrupted when the dog happily barks beside him, causing him to get startled. Yonghoon's reflex was to run so, he did.

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