2 : Hot Day

388 35 32


♪ End Of Spring 


"Gahhh why is it so hottttt", Kanghyun immediately heard Yonghoon's groans as soon as he opens the door. He steps inside the room, closing the door behind him with his leg since both of his hands were occupied with grocery bags. He did a bit of shopping after discovering how low on supplies they were.

He walks to the kitchen, eyes laid on the older who is sitting in front of the table fan beside the TV.

"What are you doing?", Kanghyun asks as he places the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Cooling myself with this fan. I feel like melting from this heat." Yonghoon responded without looking back the blondie. Though the sliding door that lead to their small backyard was opened, the air inside was still pretty warm.

"Why not turn on the AC?", the older finally turned to the boy when hearing his question, a disapprove look was plastered over his face as he stared at the younger. Kanghyun perks an eyebrow, wondering what he said wrong.

"Obviously I tried that but the AC suddenly won't turn on!" Yonghoon complains before turning back to facing the fan.

"I feel like melting away~~ Let me bath in a bath full of ice~~", the older began to sing into the fan as if it was a microphone, his voice sounding weird through it.

Kanghyun laughs lightly at the older's behavior, shaking his head as he kept the items he bought into the fridge and cabinets.

An hour or so, Yonghoon starts to feel bored from sitting in front of the fan. Even if he wanted to do something, he had to move away from the moderate cool air. He sighs, eyes close to fully enjoy the wind. He doesn't want to lose this so, he just sacrifice his boredom.

"Hyung," the older hums, eyes still close. He waits for the younger to continue, but instead, he got startled by a sudden cold sensation on his cheek, causing him to jump backwards. He looks at the younger, wondering what he did until he notices the item in Kanghyun's hand.

It was ice cream.

"Here," Kanghyun offers the item to Yonghoon, who accepts it with sparkling eyes. He pulls the younger in for an appreciation hug, which took Kanghyun by surprised.

"THANK YOU!-- oh wait too hot", the older release the embrace immediately aftr when the heat got back to him. Kanghyun shakes his head as he walks to the sofa behind where Yonghoon is.

The older excitedly opens the ice cream package, him happily eating it. "My health has been recovered by 5%", he says as he proceeds to enjoy the dessert.

"I thought ice cream would at least increase it by 20%?", Kanghyun commented, him also unpacking his popsicle. Yonghoon turns to the younger, him shaking his head while clicking his tongue in-sync with his finger as he move it side to side.

"Tsk tsk tsk, something like this could only do so little, Kanghyun," the older said, Kanghyun rolling his eyes at the other's words.

"I'm guessing the A.C would recover your health by 50% then?" He says sarcastically.

"Actually that would make it 100%, BUT IF ONLY THE AC WOULD WORK," he complains, biting on the stick of the ice cream that he had finished.

"Also, can I have more?", the older asks with an innocent smile, causing Kanghyun to sigh as he nods, walking to the freezer to take another cold dessert for the older.

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