7 : Cheering Up

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Crazy Good


"AGAIN??" Yonghoon complained as he flops back onto the sofa, causing Kanghyun to perk his head up from his book.

"You're very bad at this hyung," a younger male teases when the TV screen shows Yonghoon's character in last place.

"You're as bad as me too, Dongmyeong!" He tries to attack Dongmyeong with the words, but it didn't really work as the younger snorted.

"I know I'm bad. That's why I don't even try to beat Giwook," he goes back to scrolling on his phone after saying his words. Yonghoon crosses his arms after ending that conversation.

"Again! I ain't giving up until I win!", he decides after watching the younger fighting a bot instead of Yonghoon since he lost. Giwook was playing with no problem whatsoever, and it made Yonghoon slightly jealous.

"You sure you want to hyung? You got a deadline to finish before tomorrow don't you?", Kanghyun says, catching the older's attention.

Yonghoon stayed quiet for a little, before deciding on his answer. In the end, he sits back up correctly, grabbing the game controller he threw to the side earlier, telling Giwook for a rematch. Which the younger didn't mind.

Kanghyun sighs a bit as he shakes his head, before going back to reading his book.

The four are spending the day together since Yonghoon invited Giwook to play games with him. It is Sunday and he wanted to have fun before going back to work the next day.

Giwook, of course, agreed. Dongmyeong also wanted to join the hang-out since he's bored at home. Plus, his younger brother's friend is spending time at their house. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

A little context, Giwook is their neighbor. Well, not side-by-side neighbors, but he lives around the area. Same goes for Dongmyeong. However, Giwook and Dongmyeong are childhood friends and their houses are side-by-side.

It's no surprise Dongmyeong would hang around Giwook's household from time to time. Well...most of the time since his little brother's friend (who is their senior at University) would visit often. Dongmyeong's parents are rarely at home anyway, so technically, the house is mostly just him and his little brother.

And Giwook's family, by this point, didn't mind Dongmyeong's extra company in their household.

Basically, how Yonghoon and Kanghyun got to know these two is pretty simple. The day they were moving into the area, Yonghoon decided to go out and buy some groceries since Kanghyun asked him to. Well, forced him to.

Him, not surprising, forgot his way back to the new house. He got lost for a quick minute until he met Giwook and Dongmyeong who were on their way home from classes. He asked them for help, to which they gladly show him the way. From there, it leads to their current friendship.

It's kinda odd for a 26-year old, to be hanging out with young adults in their 20s in some people's opinion. But honestly, Yonghoon acts like a kid anyway so, they got close pretty quickly. Giwook's parents didn't mind their son hanging out with Yonghoon and Kanghyun most times after getting to know them.

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