8 : Scared

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She turns around when hearing a sound of what seems to be walking, at least what she assumes it to be. Deciding to check on it, she leaves the living room, stepping closer to the basement, slowly.

Turning on her phone's flashlight, she holds the doorknob. Twisting it as slow as possible and opening the door carefully to make sure it won't creak too much.

All it shows was total darkness at the bottom of the staircase. She shines her light, barely showing anything. Deciding it was maybe nothing, she decided to close the door, until the same noise appear.

Hearing it clearly this time. It's definitely coming from the basement. She realizes those are footsteps for sure, but it doesn't sound normal...or human-like?

Curiosity got to her as he steps down the stairs and into the basement. Of course, she tried the light switch beside the door beforehand, but it didn't seem to work. Using her flashlight as her only guide, she makes her way carefully down the steps.

The basement looks the same as the last time she left it. All but one thing. The trail of what seems to be blood on the floor. "Huh?"

She followed it with fear, and shivers ran down her body as she shines the wall where the blood leads too. A body seems to be trapped by a white cocoon-like thing, blood-splattered as barely anything remains of the human. Frozen in place as she witnesses the horror.

But what feared her the most is what caused it.

Her thoughts got interrupted when a sudden white-like fluid dropped above her head, causing her to get tense. Her hands shaking, she turns around while looking above her, shining the light at the ceiling. It moves slowly as millions of eyes stared at her. A giant spider, it looks like it, but more terrifying.

Though before she could get a full understanding of the situation, it jumped at her.

Kanghyun got startled as the screen showed darkness and the scream of the woman echoed through. The thing is, he didn't jump because of the scene in the movie, but because of the male that suddenly hid himself behind Kanghyun. The tight grip on Kanghyun's arm too.

"Are you ok hyung?", Kanghyun asks the older who was shaking in fear.

"NO! Why did I agree to watch this with you??", Yonghoon complains while still hidden behind Kanghyun.

"You tell me. You were the one who wanted to,"

And Kanghyun wasn't wrong.

It's Friday night, and Yonghoon suddenly suggested to Kanghyun on having a movie night. Not only that, a horror-themed one too. It's not weird for them to be watching movies sometimes, but Kanghyun does find it odd when Yonghoon suggested a horror film. The older is horrible at them, and will always avoid it at all costs.

"I-I just wanted to watch it because...Dongmyeong was talking to Giwook about this movie, and he made fun of me. Calling me a scardey cat since I won't ever watch it...", Yonghoon explains. Though he was still hiding behind Kanghyun, the younger could tell he's most definitely pouting right now.

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