3: Busy

326 37 15


♪ Reminisce about All ♫


"Kangiee~", Yonghoon calls the younger from his room as he was lying on his bed with his arms spread out to the side.

He waited, but the younger never came, which is a little odd. He stands up, heading out the door before going downstairs, peeking at the corner of the wall to look inside the living room.

"Kangie?", he scans around. There was still no sign of the blondie. He's starting to wonder where his housemate is.

Then an idea pops up; Obviously he's in his room right? Yonghoon steps up the stairs, heading towards the room that's directly opposite of his.

"Kanghyunn?", he peeks his head inside the room. And yet again, silence. Yonghoon scratches his head as he was now genuinely confuse as to where the younger is.

He heads downstairs, looking around the living room when he notices the curtain that's covering the sliding door moves from the wind.

He walks towards the curtain, moving it to the side to see the blondie sitting outside with his guitar and headphones on. He seems to be writing something too. So focus...hehe.

Kanghyun strums some chords, before writing down on a piece paper on the table beside him. He repeats the processes a couple of times before stopping when he got jumped by the sudden harsh pat on his shoulder. He was about to throw his pen at the attacker, only to discover it was Yonghoon.

"Seriously hyung...", the blondie sighs with furrows eyebrow while Yonghoon laughs. He pulls one side of the headphone behind his ear before going back to writing his music.

"What'cha doing?", he leans over Kanghyun's head to see the paper.

"Creating a song for my project. Harin gave me samples of his drum audio, and I'm trying to think of my guitar parts for it," he explains while writing some word scribble at the side.

"Harin?", Yonghoon looks around slightly as he tries recall back the familiar name. "Oh, that drummer friend of yours right?" Yonghoon asks, getting a nod in return.

He had heard about this Harin guy, though only the basics of the male. He hasn't really met Harin but from he heard, he seems like a cool dude.

"Well, do you need any help?" Yonghoon leans closer down, until his head was beside Kanghyun. The younger was slightly taken back when he see how close the older was, but it was only for a mere second.

"For now, I'm good hyung," he says with a small smile before turning back to the paper. Yonghoon pursed his lips a bit as he nods, backing up but his hands was still on the back of the chair Kanghyun is sitting. 

"Anyway, were you looking for me?" Kanghyun asks without looking at Yonghoon.

The older hums in question at his words, before remembering his objective from the before. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot,"

Kanghyun played some notes on the guitar's fret, finding the right melody in fitting with Harin's drumbeats. He stops for a second when he feels a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, ristricting his moves a bit.

"Kanghyunnie, I'm hungryyy", Yonghoon says childish-ly, putting his chin on top of the younger's head. Kanghyun wasn't really surprise by this personality of his after living together for so long.

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