5 : Password

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♫ 0&4 


A typical weekend. Yonghoon wanted to finish some of his work but then realized he forgot one important thing when opening his bag. His laptop.

Not knowing how, but he accidentally forgot about it at his office desk. Maybe it was because of the very busy day he had the day before at work. It was so hectic that his mind was everywhere.

He would go and take it, but...it's kinda too far. Would he really be dedicating the time to take the bus just to go and take his laptop? Hahaha.

He left his room to find Kanghyun's. He gives a knock, but since the boy wasn't answering, he just entered.

"Kanghyun? You in here?", he scans around the room, only to not see the boy anywhere.

Though before his mind could begin wondering where the younger went, he immediately hears the shower turning off in the bathroom.

Yonghoon walks closer to it, leaning his ear near the door before knocking, getting a response from the other side.

"Yeah??", the other's voice echoed.

"I'm using your laptop cause I left mine at work!" Yonghoon loudly so that Kanghyun could hear.

Without waiting for a response, he turns around to scan the room, eyes trying to locate the younger's backpack. Which he found seconds later on the desk.

Yonghoon heads to the bed with the bag, unzipping it as soon as he sits down. He takes the laptop out before placing the bag on the floor.

He waits as the device starts up. The lock screen shows moments later, which made Yonghoon realize something. He doesn't know the younger's password.

Any rational person would go and ask the owner for it. But Yonghoon wanted to try and guess because why not. There are three chances after all.

Trying to be a detective all of a sudden, Yonghoon puts on his thinking cap as he tries to figure out what the password could be. He could try the typical '123' password like almost everyone sometimes have. But he knows Kanghyun isn't that simple.

Maybe his birthday?

Yonghoon tried his luck as he enters the younger's birth date. And unfortunately, that didn't work.

He purses his lips a bit, tapping at the side of the laptop as he tried to think of another possibility. But all his ideas go to birthdays for some reason. It's typical for people to put birthdays as a password, right?

Suddenly, Yonghoon had a thought. Maybe he should just try this specific birthday date for the jokes.

He types out the following numbers; 1708. Basically his own birthday.

Expecting another error, he was taken back when it redirects him to the home screen. Yonghoon lets out a noise of confusion, which caught Kanghyun's attention as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Oh hyung, you're using my laptop?" The older shifts his attention to the male, who looks like he just showered based on the small towel over his shoulder.

"Don't get mad at me. I told you through the door already," Yonghoon defended himself as the younger sits beside him.

"I didn't say you couldn't even if you didn't ask me hyung," Kanghyun scoffs as he rubs his hair with the small towel.

He looks at the laptop screen, seeing Yonghoon's movement. But then he notices something in the middle of observing.

"Wait, wasn't it lock? Or did I forgot to lock it?"

"I opened it," Yonghoon answer casually as he opens his email to get the documents his co-workers sent yesterday.

"Wait... you know my password?" Kanghyun raises an eyebrow.

"I don't. I just jokingly put my birthday and it worked," Yonghoon turns to the younger one as he answered.

"Ah, I see", Kanghyun nods, things making sense in his thoughts.

He leans back a bit when Yonghoon suddenly leans closer to him, the younger perking an eyebrow at the older's action.


"Care to explain why my birthday is your password Kangie~", he teasingly says with a sly smirk on his lips. Kanghyun rolls his eyes a bit before pushing the older back.

"So that I'll remember it because if I forgot, you will sulk hyung. Like before remember?", now it was Kanghyun who leaned forward after saying the last sentence. The older laughs sheepishly at the said memory.

He must admit, after thinking it back, it was embarrassing how he was sulking when Kanghyun forgot his birthday.

"Don't remind me of that please. I was...immature then," Yonghoon says as he shifts his attention back to the laptop.

"That was last year hyung," his answer got Yonghoon redder as he was embarrassed. Kanghyun laughs seeing his reaction. The older always have this child-like attitude which he is used to. So, honestly, he wasn't surprised that the 26-year-old was upset went he accidentally forgot his special day.

Though, if only Yonghoon remembered the other thing that happened on his own birthday which is the main reason why Kanghyun put it as his password.

"Stop smiling at my embarrassment," Kanghyun snaps out of his thoughts when he felt a nudge on his arm. Kanghyun laughs a bit before giving the older's head a joking pat, standing up to head to his desk shortly after.

I'm guessing he forgot huh?


Sorry if it was just a short chapter ^^

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