13 : Festival

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♫ Crazy Good 


The surroundings being filled with sounds of people laughing, students calling for visitors to visit their booth, or simply cheerful music through the speakers. A pretty typical situation for a festival. But it's not like Kanghyun hates it...

...well maybe he dislikes it a little. He's not really a people person. So being in a place with so many of them is not his cup of tea. He's only here to perform. Damn you Harin for forcing me into this.

"Are you thinking of ways to murder me?", a voice beside Kanghyun snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kanghyun innocently says.

Harin leans his hand on the table behind Kanghyun with a perked eyebrow, the other only giving him an innocent smile now.

"You were staring into the void, and it looks like you're plotting your revenge on me. Come on man, it's the festival, have funn~," Harin cheerfully says, adjusting himself so that he was slightly sitting on the table.

And he isn't wrong. Kanghyun does like the food and games the booths would provide. The only thing he dislikes is the people everywhere. Maybe he should venture around after his performance ends, or maybe before.

As Kanghyun was zoning out again, Harin notices someone heading their way. With a smirk on, he nudges the guitarist's side, catching his attention once again.

"What?", he simply asks.

"Your crush is here," Harin nudge his chin towards the direction behind Kanghyun, the other turning around. And there he is, his housemate along with his two neighbors.

"Should I leave? I don't want to get another threatening glare from Yonghoon," Harin says, half-joking, half-serious. Kanghyun rolls his eyes at the drummer's remarks, wanting to just lift his guitar that was on his lap the whole time and hit Harin with it.

But he stopped his urges when the familiar voice was heard.

"Hey guys," Yonghoon greeted the two with a smile, along with Giwook and Dongmyeong.

"I'm surprised you arrived in time, hyung," Kanghyun says, reminding the moments Yonghoon would come just when the performance had started or halfway through.

"Hey! At least I try you know. You should be impressed that I woke up early today," Yonghoon claims with a proud grin.

"He didn't. We had to bang on the front door a million times to get him to wake up," Though it was immediately destroyed when Dongmyeong decides to chimes in. Kanghyun hides a smile when hearing the actual truth.

"I'm excited to see you perform hyung! I've always wanted to see a band performance," Giwook enters the conversation, breaking the glare Yonghoon was giving his neighbor.

"I'm not all that good so don't bring your hopes up Giwook," Kanghyun laughs, giving a slight pat on the younger's arm. A scoffs beside Kanghyun caught his attention as he looks back at his friend.

"Don't trust his words, this guy is the coolest on stage. Along with me too of course," Harin comments. Kanghyun wanted to deny that claim, but before he could say anything, someone cuts him off.

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