11 : BBQ

224 29 34


♫ End of Spring


"Hyung, can you help me with this!", Kanghyun shouts inside the house as he was trying to carry all the grilling utensils. His hands were already full with ingredients for the BBQ that he can't carry anything else.

But even after shouting for help, Yonghoon still didn't appear. Kanghyun puts the things down on the kitchen counter to check on the older. He wondered what Yonghoon was doing. Maybe he wasn't done preparing the grill they hadn't used in quite some time.

But oh boy was he wrong.

The moment he steps outside, he saw Yonghoon on the hammock he assumes the older had just set up for today. Kanghyun sighs deeply before stepping closer to him.

Yonghoon, who was enjoying the light breeze from the small swings the hammock gave him, was startled when he felt a kick on his butt from under the hammock. He opens his eyes to see Kanghyun, staring him down.

"You scared me Kangie!" He places a hand on his heart, trying to calm its rate.

"Yah, are you procrastinating right now?", Kanghyun crosses his arm. The older knew by the way Kanghyun dropped the formality that he wasn't happy with his short break.

He lets out a nervous laugh, before sitting up a bit to reach for the other's shirt.

"Don't get angry. I was just testing it out and before I knew it, I fell asleep," Yonghoon tries to reason, hoping it would save him.

"Is the grill even ready yet?" He perks an eyebrow. Yonghoon instantly nods, pointing at the side of their backyard where, indeed, the grill is. All ready to go.

"Why are you so uptight about this? Let loose, it's supposed to be a fun day Kangie," Yonghoon asks, genuinely confused as to why the younger was being so serious. It's just a day where they and their friends get to chill out.

"I just want things to go well. It's my first time having a barbeque, and the fact that I have to host it too," he explains, no longer crossing his arms which is a good sign for Yonghoon since it means the boy isn't angry anymore.

"It's going to be fine~ It's just you, me, Giwook, Dongmyeong, his little brother...

...and his friend, and also my friends, and also your drummer friend Harin, and also Dongmyeong's little brother's friend's friends," Yonghoon casually lists out the number of people joining them. He didn't realize it's that many until he said it out loud.

"You're not making me feel any better hyung," Kanghyun sighs, turning around to go back in the house and leave Yonghoon to himself.

However, he couldn't get that far when his arm suddenly got pulled, causing him to fall back.

He needed a moment to realize that Yonghoon had dragged the boy to fall onto the hammock...well technically, fall on Yonghoon who was laying down. Easy said, he fell on top of Yonghoon.

"You need to relax Kanghyun. As I said, it's going to be fine. Nothing will go wrong anyway," Yonghoon says again, added with a confident smile.

Kanghyun on the other hand doesn't believe his words. He needs to get things done before the guests arrive. He places his palms on Yonghoon's chest to push himself up, but couldn't get that far when Yonghoon pulled him back down.

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