20 : A Letter

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Veronica ♪



One of his bandmates calls him over, causing Kanghyun to shift his gaze from the sheet music to the bassist instead.

"Are you joining us?" the bassist asks, confusing Kanghyun.

"On what hyung?"

"We're going to grab a quick snack at the cafeteria. Were you not listening?"

Okayー in all honesty, Kanghyun may have been staring at the sheet music rather than reading it for the past minute. His mind was wandering somewhere else the moment his bandmates wanted to take a 5-minute break earlier.

He didn't even realize they were talking about something.

"Oh, uh- sorry Wonsang hyung. I was too focus on reading this," he pointed to the sheet music with a small smile. Lies.

"I'm not surprised. Anyway, you wanna join us or not?" Wonsang motions to the other bandmates, including their vocalist and another guitarist. Harin had already declined them earlier but did ask them to buy him something.

Kanghyun shakes his head, "I'm good hyung. I'll just stay here and practice a bit more."

The senior bandmate nods at his answer.

"Ok then. But don't go at it too hard. Give your hand a break sometimes too," he gives a small pat on Kanghyun's shoulder before leaving the room with the others.

As soon as the door closes, Kanghyun lets out a small sigh as his mind wanders back to his previous thoughts; When to confess to Yonghoon.

He decided to stop delaying it any further. Like Harin said before, 3 years is long enough. Kanghyun should tell the older his feelings already.

Not to mention, the sudden switch in their relationship these past months too.

It's like, they both have something to say to one another, but none would take the first step. At least, that's what he assumed it was. Maybe afraid of the outcome of whatever the question is about. In Kanghyun's case, he's scared Yonghoon would reject him.

But Kanghyun wondered what Yonghoon's case is.

"Are you still thinking about that?" Kanghyun turned around when Harin spoke. He had forgotten that his friend stayed behind with him.

Harin moves from sitting behind the drums, to beside Kanghyun.

"Dude, just go for it! Trust me when I say; Yonghoon likes you back." Harin says.

Of course, his friend knew about this decision he wanted to make. To be more precise, Kanghyun asked Harin's opinion on it too.

"Iー I don't know...I'm still a little afraid...", his eyes go down to the guitar strings as he lightly plucks the highest one.

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