18 : Camping

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♫ AuRoRA  ♪


"Hyung, you didn't forget anything did you??" Kanghyun shouts from outside the house.

"Don't worry, I got everything!" Yonghoon replies from inside the house.

After a few more minutes, the older finally came out with a backpack and another bag in hand. Kanghyun wondered why he was bringing so much. They're just going camping for a day. Yonghoon packed as if they were going for a week or more.

"Let's go!" Yonghoon says once he was beside Kanghyun.

Deciding not to question what Yonghoon even bring in those two bags, he starts walking down the road towards Giwook's house with Yonghoon trailing beside him.

The Lee family was the one who planned to go camping at a river that was rumored to have a very amazing night sky view. Giwook's parents asked if the two housemates wanted to join the trip with them.

Both Kanghyun and Yonghoon didn't want to since it's a family outing after all. It feels wrong if they joined. But Mr. Lee denied their words and say that they are also family. Plus, Dongmyeong is also going, to which Yonghoon and Kanghyun isn't even surprised. They both know that the two neighbors practically go everywhere together.

Mr. Lee suggests carpooling with them as it will be easier. They didn't mind the idea, which is why they were on their way to Lee's household.

By the time they arrive, the family was packing the trunk of the car. It was a family-size vehicle so it can fit all of them in.

Giwook was the first to notice them as he left the house with a cooler in his hands.

"Yonghoon hyung! Kanghyun hyung!" Giwook's called made everybody look in their direction.

Kanghyun bows slightly at Mrs. Lee when he walked up to the passenger window. Meanwhile, Yonghoon had already gone to the back of the car to help Giwook and his dad.

"You didn't forget anything right, hyung?" He heard Dongmyeong says from inside the car.

"No, I didn't! Why do you guys always assume I would forget stuff?" Yonghoon crosses his arms with a pout, directing it more towards Kanghyun because the questions had been prompt up a few times when they were at home earlier too.

Kanghyun notices it though but decided not to answer as he passes his backpack to Yonghoon with a small shrug and a smile, before leaving to join Dongmyeong in the back seat.

After putting their bags and items in the trunk, Mr. Lee told his son and Yonghoon to go inside the car while he locks up the house.

Giwook took his seat at the front, while Yonghoon followed. But the moment he sees Kanghyun at the back, he asked.

"Why are you sitting there Kanghyun?" The said male shifts his eyes from his phone to Yonghoon.

"No reason. I just thought maybe you'd want to seat at the front," he answers.

"But Kanghyun, you have motion sickness right? I don't think it's a good idea for you to sit at the back," Yonghoon reminded the boy.

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