Episode 2

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"Happy birthday again, Clay!" The ginger-haired boy said. "Thanks, see you at school.". "See you!" Clay shut the door as his classmate said and headed back to the living room. 

"Was that everyone?" the Youngest one asked, lifting his head from his phone. "Yeah." Clay answered, looking at his two best friends sitting comfortably on the couch in his living room.

 "Your friends are annoying." the British boy said with a smile on his face. "Don't say that they're my classmates." He said and sat in the middle of his best friends.

 "Ow! Dude, that was my foot!" Nick said with pulling his foot that Clay sat on. "I don't care, you shouldn't have put your foot there." He said, snickering.

 "You-". "No being rude to the birthday boy." Clay interrupted Nick with an annoying smile on his face. 

George glanced at Clay. "You're growing really tall, aren't you?" Clay looked at him confusingly as he said. George ruffled Clay's hair "Don't you dare to get taller than me." he said. "It's not my fault that I grow faster than you." Clay said, confidently smiling. 

George took a glance at Clay "You know, you've become annoying recently." He looked at Nick "Isn't that right, Nick?" George and Nick looked at each other with a smile on both of their faces. Four hands reached to Clay's waist. Clay eventually knew what will happen to him. 

"WAIT, THAT'S NOT FAIR STOP!" Clay shouted. He tried to escape, but George prevented it. "You thought you can escape that easily?". Clay's laughs rose as his best friends started tickling him by the waist.


"Yeah, I should go now, or my mom is going to be angry." Nick said as he got up from the couch he was sitting on. 

"Are you coming or will you leave later?" He said as he looked at George. "I'll stick around.". "Alright, I'm heading off. Bye.". "Okay, bye.". "Bye." As they said Nick headed to the door.

George turned to Clay "So, what do we do now?" He asked. "We can try out this new game if you want." the younger one replied. "I don't want to go get my pc. I'm too lazy to go home for that." George whined. "We can take a look at it with my pc, and then we can play together later." He suggested. "Yeah, okay." George got up from the couch as he said. 

They headed to Clay's room. Clay sat on the chair right behind his desk and turned his computer on. George pulled a chair to the left of Clay's chair and sat on it, crossing his arms together, waiting for Clay to open the game.

 After a few seconds, George saw Clay knit one's brows. "What's the matter?" the older boy asked. "This stupid game won't open." Clay said with a confused but angry expression on his face. 

George looked at the black window on the screen. "I don't know what's the cause. I'm pretty sure my computer is suitable for this game.". "Let me take a look at it." George said as he got up from his chair.

He leaned on to the computer, and on to Clay, grabbing the mouse. Clay felt something in his stomach. A desire to hold George's hand, maybe even hug him? It was for a second so Clay didn't think much about it. It was probably George putting all his weight on him that is bothering Clay.

 "Dude, get off of me. You are like this math teacher who always leans on you while showing you how to solve the problem." He said with an annoyed tone in his voice. "Stop whining. I'm the one helping you open the game." George replied without seperating his eyes from the computer screen. 

"You don't have to lean on me while doing that. You are heavy." George leaned upon Clay even more as he said that. "Is this too heavy for the little pissbaby?" George said with his 'talking to a baby' voice and an annoying smile on his face. 

Clay pushed George away, "You are so annoying.". George pretented to walk away from the room "I'm not doing it then.". "Hey! don't leave. I'm sorry okay?" Clay accepted defeat. "I was kidding. Just restart your computer." George said with an annoying smile. "I hate you.". George started laughing, soon Clay joined him too.

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now