Episode 17

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Dream finally managed to get in a call with his two best friends after a few weeks. Whenever he talked to George and Sapnap his girlfriend would interrupt and would ask Dream to help with something. Dream didn't jump to any conclusions. She was his girlfriend after all.

"Dude, I didn't know you would be so busy after your girlfriend moving in with you." Sapnap said. Dream wasn't surprised that Sapnap noticed. It was so noticeable that it would have been a surprise if he didn't notice.

"Yeah, We couldn't talk properly for like, 2 or 3 months." George agreed.

"I guess. She often needs help with stuff since she's still warming up to her new home." Dream explained.

"Why does she need help every time we get in a call tho?" George asked.

"Yeah, last time she asked you to help her find her earrings. Why would she need help with that?" Sapnap backed him up.

"Well-" His girlfriend entered the room.

"Hey, honey." She said.


"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, I'm just on a call with Sapnap and George. Do you want to talk with them?" The girl's smile on her face slightly faded away as Dream said. More specifically when she heard the name George.

"Oh, no I'm good. I just wanted to ask if you will help me with the dinner." She smiled.

"Isn't it a bit early for that?"

"I just wanted to prepare it early today."

"Oh, then is it okay if I don't help with the meal today?" Dream smiled too as a way to increase to chance for her to say okay.


"I just want to talk with my friends."

"Oh, is talking with George more important than me?" Her soft voice went to a somewhat angry one and the sweet smile on her face disappeared. Dream didn't expect this outcome.

"What's with the sudden change? Are you okay?" Dream didn't say it to sound mean, he said because he was genuinely worried. But it didn't sound like that to her.

"Why do I have to be reminded of George's existence every goddamn minute?" She shouted. George wasn't saying anything neither was Sapnap.

"What does this even have to do with George?" Dream was confused but he raised his voice too.

"Because it bothers me that you are talking with your ex-crush repeatedly."

"They can hear you so watch what you say." Dream was on his last nerve.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Go to hell George, maybe then I would be able to get rid of you." She shouted so that George could hear.

"I have good news for you then. You'll get rid of him starting today." Dream smiled. His girlfriend looked at him with confusion on her face.

"Dream...?" The voice came through the headphone dream had in one of his ears.

"We're over. You won't hear of George anymore. The same goes for me."

"Wait what? You're not breaking up with me because of him." The girl said with tears coming through her eyes.

"I think you should start packing your things. I won't help you this time tho."

"You are ridiculous." The girl spitted on Dream's shirt and slammed the door after she ran to pack her stuff.

Dream took a big sigh. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"Is this seriously what you're worried about right now?" Sapnap said.

"She got really toxic since I told her about crushing on George when we were kids. I had to do it later or sooner." Dream said. He was so cool as nothing happened a few minutes ago.

"Dream, are you out of your mind? Why would you end your relationship just because of me?!" George just got out of the shock enough to speak.

"You know what they say, bros before hoes." Dream was the only one laughing at the moment.

"Dream, I know you for years. I know you are not in a good state right now." Sapnap was worried about him.

"I need to change my shirt now. Bye guys." Dream ignored Sapnap and left the call.

After that, he buried his face in his hands. It wasn't easy breaking up with your girlfriend after you spent a long time together after all. It was painful to watch her change into such a person. It looked easy but it wasn't. His eyes started tearing up.

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now