Episode 8

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"Guys! I have the best idea ever!" Clay shouted. The excitement was sparkling through his eyes. Three of them were sitting around the room.

"It better be good since you told us to rush here." George said with a moody tone.

"We should start a youtube channel! We will get so popular." George rolled his eyes, and Nick started laughing as Clay said.

"You actually believe you will be popular. That's hilarious!" Nick kept laughing his lungs out.Clay flushed. "Hey, don't make fun of me! I will be the one making fun of you guys when I get so many fans!"

"Yeah, of course, you will have millions of fans." Nick sarcastically said and kept laughing.

"I hope this wasn't the only reason you wanted us over." George said.

"Uhhh, we can play something since you're here?" Clay knew George would be angry, so he tried to get out of the situation, but he failed miserably.

"Oh my god, you can't be serious." George angrily leaned back.

"What? I wanted to share my idea with you."

"I have lots of homework to do. But instead, I bother to listen to your dumb idea."

"George, calm your shits, dude. You can go home if you're so busy." Nick said, trying to calm him.

George inhaled. "You're right. Sorry, I'm just stressed about...some things." He looked away.

"Is it about your parents?" Clay asked with worry in his voice.

"Yeah..." George clearly didn't want to talk about it.

"You know you can talk about anything with us." Nick said.

"Yeah. It's okay. You will be freer after you go to college anyway." Clay added.

"That's the point." George mumbled so silently that even he could hear himself hardly.

"What did you say?" Clay asked.

"Oh, I just said thanks."

"Anytime, dude."

"Also, even tho I think it's stupid, I think it will be fun to start youtube." Nick said.

A smile appeared on Clay's face. "Yes! Nick, you're the best."

"I know. You don't have to tell me." Nick bragged.

"Are you sure you are not going to join us?" Clay asked one more time.

"no, maybe when I have more free time."

"Okay then. You must call me Dream from now on."

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now