Episode 9

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A quick note: If you get confused in this episode Pandas is Sapnap and DreamTraps/Dream is Dream. They just started youtube in this timeline so they are called by their first nicknames. They will change when they start their new channels and nicknames. Enjoy the episode!


"Hey, what's up?" Dream said as he sat on the red chair in George's room.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to talk to you about something." George kind of seemed like he was about to cry? Maybe it was just Dream's mind playing tricks on him.

"Is Pandas coming?" He asked again.

"No, I wanted to tell this just to you, for now at least."

"Go ahead then."

There was just silence as George was biting his lips and looks away from Dream. It was obvious that he was pushing himself to say it but at the same time, he didn't have the courage to do so.

"George, are you okay?" Dream asked with worry showing in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm taking too much time."

"I have time. Don't worry." Dream smiled at George.

"Thank you. It's just that... I don't know how to tell this to you."

Don't get your hopes up. It's probably something else. You are overthinking. Don't get your hopes up.

"Should have told this sooner but... I don't know. I guess I was scared of what you would say."

Don't. He thinks of you as a friend. So should you. You told him you do. Don't get your hopes up.

"I'm so dumb." George sighed.

Why must you get my hopes up every time? Why must you make my heart beat so fast?

"So, Clay." George cleared his throat.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm Dream not Clay." Dream said with a smile. George didn't smile though. He just looked at him with a serious face. As if he's saying 'I'm trying to be serious here.'. Dream shut his mouth as an 'Okay, I'm sorry. I'll stop.'.

"As I was saying."

Dream's heartbeats got faster and faster with every second passing.

"I'm...I'm going to Brighton. I will study college there."

Clay widened his eyes. He didn't hear it right did he? George is going to Brighton? When was this decided? Why didn't he tell him sooner? Why doesn't he go to a college in the U.S? He had so many questions to ask.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how you would react so I couldn't pull myself to tell you sooner. I don't know how to tell Nick- I mean Pandas either. That's why I wanted to tell you first. I feel like you're more mature so you could help me."


"Does that mean we aren't going to see each other again after you go to Brighton?" Dream asked. Both of them looked like they were about to cry.

"We can still talk online, but I don't think we'll see each other as often in person."

"I see..."

"I'm sure we'll figure it out."

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now