Episode 4

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Clay was looking through his phone. It was just another usual day until he saw a notification on his phone.

George: Clay please come to the backyard quick

Clay looked through his window. He saw George looking on his phone, waiting for Clay to see his message. He must have seen that symbol on the screen that he lifted his head to Clay's room's window from where he is standing. It was clear that something happened.

 He rushed downstairs. Rapidly opened the door of the backyard and walked to the fences with quick steps. His best friend was standing on the other side of the fence. It was clear that he was holding his tears.

"George! What happened?!" Clay asked. He was clearly so worried that he might also start crying.

"Let's...Just go...Inside." George was struggling to talk.

"Okay, let's go." Clay said and took a step back to give George space to jump from the fence.

They headed to Clay's room. George's tears started to sink as soon as he sat on the bed. Clay sat right next to him and put his hand on to George's back, waiting for him to stop crying. After a while, George had calmed himself.

"Are you better now?" Clay asked.

"Yeah...I'm sorry I kept you worrying." George wiped his tears.

"What happened?"

"You will think it's stupid." George hesitated.

"You can't know it for sure if you don't tell me." Clay encouraged him.

"My parents won't stop yelling and lecturing me because I got a fucking E." George said angrily.

"But that's not the first time. You never cried for that."

"But I never got an E. You know how strict they are about my grades. They even threatened me about not letting me see you guys until summer because my grades kept dropping ever since I started hanging out with you guys." George explained.

"That's ridiculous! You still study a lot. You don't hang out with us after school to study most of the time."

"I tried to tell them but they won't listen. They were really angry this time."

"I can encourage my mom to talk to them. Maybe they will calm down a bit."

"No. They will be even angrier if they find out I'm here."

"Is there anything I can do? You can ask for anything."

George suddenly wrapped his arms around Clay.

"I'm sorry if it's awkward for two guys to hug like that but please let me stay like this for just a second." George said burying his face on Clay's shoulders.

Clay was in total shock. His cheeks were burning so hot but he couldn't even notice it. He hesitated at first but he hugged his best friend back. His heart was beating so fast that he was scared that George could hear it. There was only one thing he could think.

I'm sure.

I'm totally sure now.

I'm in love with George...

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now