Episode 5

959 45 59


I'll do it today.

I'll actually do it today.

Nothing can stop me, I'll do it today.

I'll ask him out.

"Who am I kidding? I can't ask him out, Nick!" Clay said.

"Ugh, come on! We've been talking about this for an hour now. Either do it or don't!"

"You are not helping at all, Nick!"

"What am I supposed to do?"

"You're right sorry. I'm just really nervous."

"It's okay, just calm down a bit."

"What if he says he sees me as a brother and he won't talk to me ever again?"

"You know George is not the type to do that. Even if he rejects you, he won't completely end your friendship."

"But I will just mess everything up."

"I mean, it will take a while to swallow it, but after a while, I think you guys will return to your old selves."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Nick's phone started to ring after he said that. He picked up the phone.

"Yeah, we're still hanging out, don't worry. Okay, we're waiting. Bye."

He hung up the phone as he said.

"He is coming in 5 minutes." Nick said.

"Nick, I'm not ready at all." Clay started freaking out again.

"Dude, get yourself together. We've been planning this all day."

"I didn't think we would get this ahead."

"You don't know how much I want to murder you right now."

"I will mess everything up. I won't be able to say a thing."

"Ugh, just stop overthinking. Everything will be alright."

They heard the doorbell ring, which made Clay freak out even more.

"I'll go get it. You calm yourself."


"What now?"

"Thank you for dealing with my bullshit." Clay said with a smile on his face. He thought he at least owed Nick this.

"Don't worry about it." Nick smiled and left the room.

After a while, Nick came back with George. Clay was so nervous that he thought his heart would stop right there. Hair messed up from ruffling it out of stress all day, green eyes not able to look at George's face out of embarrassment he was a total mess. 

This could be either his best or worst day ever. George sat on Nick's bed right next to Clay, and Nick sat on his chair.

"What have you guys been up to?" George asked with his British accent. It seemed like his British accent started to get more American-ish every day.

"Nothing much. Just talking behind your back. About how you lied to us about shopping just to ditch us." Nick said.

"For the last time Nick. I didn't lie to you." George said with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, I'm sure you were."

George rolled his big brown eyes. "Nevermind, I'm not even going to try."

"What about you Clay?" George turned his head to him.

"Nothing much. Just talking about stuff." Clay was trying so much to keep his calm and don't do anything stupid.

"Cool. At least someone in this room is normal." George looked at Nick with his annoyed expression as Nick rolled his eyes.

"I'll get us something to eat." Nick said and left the room as he blinked at Clay. Clay was trying his best not to freak out.

It was just an awkward silence now that George was trying to find something to talk about and Clay trying not to make eye contact.

"George." Clay finally said it.


"I need to tell you something. It is very important."

"What is it?" It was obvious that he was starting to get curious.

"Well, I don't exactly know how I can say it."

"Just spit it out before this dumbass comes back." George grinned.

"You're right. So... Uh... I..."

"Are you going to say it today?" George kept his smile on his face.

"I like you, George. I like you more than I should be." Clay finally said it. He finally confessed his feelings.

The smile on George's face swapped with a shocked expression. Clay started to ruffle his hair and look away as much as possible. His cheeks were as pink as they can be and his skin was so sweaty. 

But that wasn't the important thing. The important thing was what George would say. Clay lifted his head to George as he finally put the words together.

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