Episode 3

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"I can't believe you are ditching me to walk with George." Nick Wiped his invisible tears with a fake sad expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, but I don't love you anymore. I found a new man." Clay said with the same expression as Nick.

"You just aren't in the same school anymore." George Said with a slightly annoyed face."Don't ruin our moment, George!" Nick said.

"I usually couldn't care less, but we are going to be late if we keep this up."

"He's right we should get going." Clay agreed.

"Alright, bye guys." Nick Said.


George and Clay started walking in the opposite way of Nick.

"It will be your first day of high school. How are you feeling?" George asked.

"Pretty good, I guess." Clay replied.

"Bet you are so scared that you can piss your pants anytime." George started teasing Clay.

"You're so stupid." Clay Said with an annoyed face.

George ruffled Clay's hair. Clay didn't like it whenever George did that. It made him feel like he is George's little brother. He hated it for some reason.

"You can't talk to me like that since you are a freshman now."


"Are you sure you don't want to come over?" Clay asked, talking to Nick through the phone.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Yeah, Bye." He hung up the call.

"He is not coming?" George asked.

"No. He said his mom is kind of angry at him, so it is not the best time to." Clay explained.

"That idiot. I wonder what he did this time." George said.

"You know how he is.".

"Anyways, What do we do now?" George asked.

"We can play something?" Clay suggested.

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood really. I'll just watch you play."

"Are you sure? We can do something else."

"Nah, it's ok. I can make fun of you like this." George mocked.

"I won't let you play even if you want to now." Clay said with an annoyed face."Don't worry. I won't ask for it." George smiled.

Clay got up, grabbed his Nintendo 3ds from his desk, and sat on his bed. George sat right next to him. Maybe too close. Clay's stomach started to feel weird. It happened to him several times. He was getting used to it at this point. It happened every time George got a little closer to Clay than what he is used to.

"Are you going to play it or you are planning on daydreaming?" George asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh right. Sorry, I zoned out for a second." Clay said."It's ok. Just start the game already."

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now