Episode 19

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Dream didn't speak to George or Sapnap after Sapnap told him he was coming over. He still didn't believe them. He thought they weren't talking to him because they wanted to make him actually believe it. He managed to eat some instant noodles since he didn't want to starve to death. And he got some sleep because he was so sleepy that he managed to sleep without having time to think about anything. Things were starting to get better little by little but he was still not in the best state of mind.

A lot of empty energy drink cans and a water bottle were sitting on his desk. His blanket was laying on the ground because he kicked it out while he was sleeping and didn't pick it back up. Some of the figures he had on his desk fell but he didn't have the energy to place them back. His room was so scattered. Everything was a total mess including Dream.

The kitchen was even worse than the bedroom. Instant noodles laying around, dishes waiting in the sink to be washed, and a lot of glasses that didn't know why he used them because Dream already had a water bottle he drank from.

He had to get up from his chair as he heard the door ring. Maybe Sapnap wasn't lying. Maybe they actually came. Dream walked up to the door with the thought and hope to see his 2 best friends. He was thinking about what he will do when he sees 2 idiots standing in front of his door. But instead of a short British, and a young American boy, he saw a little boy standing at his door. He was a brunette and had hazel eyes. He had a soccer ball jammed in his arm and torso. Dream was disappointed that he got his hopes high for nothing. He looked at the kid to see what he has to say.

"Sir, do you happen to have someone named Joe in your house?" The boy finally spoke.

"Joe?" Dream said in a confused voice.

"JOE MAMAS." The short British, and the young American boy shouted at the same time as they came out of the walls they've been hiding behind. George from the left, Sapnap from the right.

 They started laughing loudly as Dream tried to process the thing that just happened.

"You're just way too easy dude." Sapnap said as he was still laughing. Dream finally started to laugh too.

"Here you go." The British boy said to the kid as he gave him some strawberry-flavored candy he got out of his pocket. The kid grabbed the pink and red wrapped candies and walked away.

"You paid a child so that you could joe mama me?" Dream said as he started laughing louder.

"We wouldn't be able to do it if we had done it ourselves." Sapnap explained.

"You idiots."

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now