Episode 6

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"I like you, George. I like you more than I should be." Clay finally said it. He finally confessed his feelings.

The smile on George's face swapped with a shocked expression. Clay started to ruffle his hair and look away as much as possible. His cheeks were as pink as they can be, and his skin was so sweaty. But that wasn't the important thing. The important thing was what George would say. Clay lifted his head to George as he finally put the words together.

"Clay..." George inhaled. "I don't know what to say." Clay looked down to his hands as George said because he knew from his tone that there was no hope.

"You are just-"

"You see me like a little brother, right?" Clay interrupted him.

"I guess so..." George looked the other way.

"What must I do to prove to you I'm not just a little child?" George lifted his head back to him as Clay shouted, but this time Clay was looking at him too with his big teary eyes.

"Must I get taller? Or more masculine? Maybe I must start acting more mature? Will you stop seeing me as your little brother? Will you accept my feelings?" Clay said with tears falling from his cheeks. But Clay wasn't even able to notice he was crying.

"Clay, I can't do this right now." George said and rushed outside. He saw Nick in front of the door. "I'll head home early. See you later." He said and headed outside with quick steps.

"Dude! What happened?" Nick sat next to Clay with his worried expression.

Clay started sobbing. "I told you, Nick! I told you he doesn't see me that way. I told you I was just a brother to him. Why did you have to encourage me to do it?!" Clay shouted.

"I was just trying to help you. Please calm down."

"I can't calm down, Nick! I shouldn't have listened to you."

"Clay, please."

"Why must you have to do that! I was okay with everything."

"Do you think I'm so happy with dealing with my best friend's feelings for my other best friend? Trying to support you with the risk of losing both of them. And in the end, I'm the guilty one! Thanks a lot, dude." Nick lost his cool and started shouting to his best friend.

Clay widened his eyes. He finally met reality. "Nick-"

"We shouldn't argue like that right now. We'll talk later." He said and left the room.

Why do I mess everything up?

First George and now Nick?! What am I thinking?

Why am I like this?

Why didn't I shut up?

He was just trying to help me, what is wrong with me?

I need to pull myself together first.

Clay wiped his tears off and left Nick's house.

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