Episode 14

587 39 12

(Quick note: This episode is in George's POV.)


George sat on his black chair. He grabbed his mouse and clicked on Sapnap's Discord profile. He was afraid to text him but he has to talk to someone or he was going to lose his sanity.

GeorgeNotFound: Hey Sap

GeorgeNotFound: Can we talk a lil bit

Sapnap: Sure dude I'll call u in a min

Sapnap started a call

"What's up?" Sapnap asked as he got in the call.

"I just wanted to talk about...Something." George hesitated if he should tell Sapnap or not, but he was his best friend after all.

"Well? Go ahead." Sapnap said with a little confusion in his tone.

"I...I think I developed feelings for someone." George confessed.

"That's great, dude. Who is it? What's her name? Is she pretty? Oh, I should add Dream in the call, or did you already let him know? You did, didn't you?" Sapnap was so confident that it was a girl, causing George to hesitate even more.

"No, Dream is the last person I want in a call right now." George said with a quiet voice.

"Huh? Why? Are you crushing on his girlfriend or something? Maybe his older sister?" He started to mess around with him. But at the moment, George couldn't even understand it was a joke.

"No, none of that. I crush on him." George said with raising his voice a bit. He felt so frustrated because Sapnap could imagine anyone but Dream George being in love with.

"What? Dream?" Sapnap was clearly shocked.

George went quiet.

"You're not joking are you?" Sapnap asked with his voice getting in a serious tone.

"No." George buried his face in his knees. "I realized I like him after he's got a girlfriend and I started questioning why I was so upset."

"George, you know you are my best friend. But I can't accept this." George widened his eyes and lifted his head to his monitor as Sapnap said.

"I know I'm not any of you guy's parents but Dream is my best friend too and I care about him. Don't get me wrong, I care about you too, as much as Dream. But he had gone through a lot because he loved you. And when he finally confessed to you, he got rejected." Sapnap sounded some kind of angry and concerned at the same time.

"But he said it was just a phase and he saw me as a friend." George tried to defend himself.

"Did you seriously believe that George?" Sapnap shouted.

George stood silent.

"He said it because it was the only thing that he could to patch things up with both of us." George had never heard Sapnap speak like this before.

"He never told us but he spent years trying to forget about his feelings for you. Were you this blind to not see something so obvious? But now he's finally got a girlfriend which means he finally moved on. You can't remind him of his feelings now. Can't you see George? He's finally happy." George met with reality as Sapnap shouted at him. How did he not see that?

"I'll leave you alone to think about it." Sapnap said and left the call.

How did I manage to not notice a single thing?

How was I so blind?

Was it that obvious that even Sapnap could notice it?

Why am I always the one to realize everything the last?

What is wrong with me?

Backyard Boy-Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now