Episode 10

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"I'll miss you, bro." Pandas said as he hugged George. They were saying their goodbyes as George's parents were carrying a bunch of boxes in their car.

"It's not like we won't talk ever again. We will still chat online. But sadly, I won't be able to walk our little pissbaby home anymore." George looked at Dream with a teasing expression.

"Shut up, George." Dream said as three of them were laughing.

"When are you coming back? After graduating college?" Pandas asked.

"When DreamTraps finally blows up." George said laughing.

"Great to hear you are coming back soon then." Dream said with a defensive tone.

"I will be there for a long time. But I will try to visit you guys as soon as I can."

"Why do I feel like you will block us right when you arrive there and get rid of us forever." Pandas said laughing.

"Yep, that was my plan all along." They all started laughing until they heard a woman's voice.

"George! We should get going." George's mom said and got into the car.

"Alright, one second!" George shouted.

"Well goodbye George. Text us when you get there." Pandas said as he hugged George one more time.

"Okay mom, I will." George snickered.

"Shut up."

George turned his head to Dream. They were about to hug too. Dream couldn't reject it because it would just be rude. Not that he didn't want to hug him but he was scared that George could hear his heart beating fast when he hugs him, he could realize he still loves George.

I guess I have no choice other than to take the risk.

Dream walked up to George and wrapped his arms around George's back. George did the same.

"I'll miss you Dream." Dream let go of George as he said that. He thought if he stayed like that George could notice his heartbeats getting faster if he didn't felt his heart beating as fast as hell already.

"I'll miss you too George. Take care of yourself." Dream said. They just glanced at the eyes of each other for a minute.

What was that tension just now?

George smiled at them and headed to the car. The mood was so dramatic it was almost like a cringy teenage drama show. Dream and Pandas watched the black car go to the airport until it disappeared from their sight.

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