Chapter 1 - Hairdressing

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Monday, August 25th 2014

"Mila don't forget I'm going on that course today, it's only 4 weeks but I'm going to have to stay on the campus, how are you going to cope without me?" My best friend, Bella, said interrupting the video I was watching of The Vamps singing teenagers.

"I'll be fine, it's only a month, plus FaceTime me everyday because I'll be scared!" I said continuing watching the video as she rolled her suitcases out into our lounge area.

Me and Bella lived in an apartment in Birmingham, it was quite small because obviously two part time workers couldn't afford a huge one but it suited us.

"Right we have to leave in like 10 minutes, are you sure you're okay to drive me?"

"Yes, who else is going to drive you? You can't drive you idiot. It's like 40 minutes away Bel, I'll be fine, I might nip into Birmingham anyway." I smiled at her.

"What in luck to meet the love of your life Bradley will simpson?" She smirked raising an eyebrow.

"I wish, I'm actually thinking about getting Krispy Kreme" I replied laughing as she shook her head, also laughing.

"Right come on then" I said taking one of her suitcase and locking the apartment as we both got into the lift and quickly ended up on the ground floor.

We wheeled her suitcase a couple of meters down the block until we reached my car.

"Christ that was a tight fit, what the hell have you got in them suitcases?" I laughed.

"A lot Mila, you need a lot to be a professional hair dresser like I will me" She said emphasising the word professionals making me roll my eyes at her.

"This is the last time we'll properly be able to jam together seeing as I'm going away for 4 weeks so I'm turning it up" Bell stated as Can We Dance soon blasted through my car speakers. Can you tell we are fans of The Vamps?

The journey went rather fast and we soon arrived at the campus where Bella had to stay for 4 weeks.

"I hope your new hairdresser friends will be able to put up with your fangirling moments" I laughed giving her a hug.

"And I hope you don't get weird and end up talking to yourself as you won't have me anymore" she smirked as I glared at her.

"Have fun, will miss you! I don't think I'm actually going to cope!" I pouted trying to get my best friend to stay.

"You'll be fine, you lived without me for a week when I went to visit my family, right I have to go, I'll FaceTime you tonight! Have fun in Birmingham!"

"Yeah okay, thanks I will, don't give up this time Bell!"

"Oh that was because the teacher was a bitch" she scoffed in reply making me laugh.

"Right cya" I said getting back into my car as she walked off and I drove away, heading to the nearest Krispy Kreme.

By the time I had gotten home after buying myself a couple of donuts, I know, fatty, it was 6pm.

I decided to make myself an omelette as it was quick and easy before facetiming Bella.

"Alright?" She basically shouted through my iPad.

"Yeah are you? Is it good?" I asked.

"Yeah it's so good, everyone is lovely. We just got to know each other today, there was one lady who was missing for some reason, she not going to be in for a few days so I'm excited to see what she'll be like. She's called Anne." Bell said as I nodded.

"Imagine if she just stored everything up" I laughed. "At least everyone is nice though" I smiled into the screen.

"Yeah and The Vamps came on when we were practicing on dolls heads and I just wanted to start dancing but I couldn't." She said making me laugh.

We were on FaceTime for an hour before I left to watch the soaps and so did Bella. We're such old woman.

I ended up going to bed at like 10:30 and of course I went on twitter re tweeting a few of The Vamps tweets, especially Brads before I started thinking.

Maybe Anne was Brads mum, imagine that! It would be the best thing ever. But I'm probably just dreaming. That might be why she's away though? They're currently away in Japan so she might be seeing them in concert?

I sent Bella a quick text telling her what I thought before she replied telling me to stop dreaming, that would never happen. Thanks for the support Bella.

I ended up falling asleep with my TV on in the back ground and continuous thoughts of my idea going round in my head.


So this is my first chapter, I'd love it if you voted, commented and also shared it! Sorry it's a bit short and rubbish but it's sort of an introduction! I hope you enjoyed it!

I recommend to also read my Bribed by Styles story along side this story, due to reasons that will become apparent later.

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