Chapter 24 - Strange

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Saturday, May 2nd

Since I had to leave the boys to carry on their tour without me and Bella, I've missed brad ridiculous amounts although he makes sure to FaceTime me before and after every show which always puts a huge smile on both of our faces.

Even though we're both putting up our strongest sides for each other and everyone else to see, I know deep down he's finding this hard and so am I. I've been with the boy near enough everyday since November so being away from him for even a couple of days is tough, let alone a whole tour.

It's putting a lot of strain on us both, he wants to see me, I want to see him and neither of us can do anything about it. It's not like I have all the money in the world to just jump on a train or get in my car and meet him, and he can't leave your for obvious reasons.

The past few nights when I've been talking to him he keeps seeming really sketchy. Call me over dramatic but in worried he might be going to the drugs or the drink. It's always stuck in my head when he told me he did drugs to make him feel as happy as I make him feel, and with me not being there with him I can't make him feel that way.

I'm just holding on to the hope I have inside of me to believe that he wouldn't do it. I mean the boys wouldn't let him do it? I'm sure they wouldn't.

Thankfully before I was able to over think anything my phone started ringing with the familiar FaceTime tune.

I clicked the green button and my boys smile lit up the whole screen.

"Hello" His Birmingham accent sang through the speakers.

"Hiya, good show?" I questioned my slightly puffed out and sweaty boyfriend.

"Yes, we rocked it Mila! The O2! We actually played in the O2!" He replied with a smile beaming on his face and you could hear the excitement in his voice.

"I am so proud of you" I honestly spoke back as his face frowned a little. "What's up?" I questioned as he went onto pause for a couple of seconds.

"Oh er, nothing" He replied coming back onto FaceTime and giving me a fake smile.

"Just because you're far away, it doesn't mean you can't tell me thing you know" I replied hoping he'd tell me what it is.

"Yeah, I know" He stated frowning slightly at my words with what seemed like confusion before again returning to his smiley self.

With that a door behind him opened, I could tell by the sudden creak and him flinching at the sound. He dropped the phone down on the sofa so all I could see was the ceiling. Muffled noises was the only thing I was able to hear before a door slammed and there was no noises at all.

A few minutes went by and I decided to scroll through my Twitter and see if anybody had tweeted about brad being unusual recently, that was until he randomly returned and his voice now boomed through the phone.

"So there's nothing going on?" I asked still scrolling through Twitter.

"No?" He rhetorically asked letting out a little chuckle, "Baby come back I want to see your face"

"And I want you to tell me he truth, but that's not happening is it" I bluntly answered him as I found something on Twitter.

"I stg @thevampsbrad was high tonight? Met him afterwards, look how bloodshot his eyes were! #thevampsontour" Along with the tweet she had also posted an up close picture of Brad after a show, wearing a beanie and his eyes did look overly blood shot.

"Look at this" I stated as I screenshotted the picture so it also showed the tweet and sent it to him.

"Pfffft, that's blatantly bullshit" He scoffed as we both returned to FaceTime. "Don't give me that face, I thought you trusted me" He sighed referring to the fact I was raising my eyebrow at him and had quite a stern facial expression.

"I do trust you, but" He rolled his eyes at my comment, "I don't right now because you're not telling me what's going on"

"Mila it was something to do with the diary videos we're doing! Learn to trust your boyfriend for once. Christ are you expecting to see me snorting a line?" He replied getting really defensive over the whole subject just making my thought even worse.

"Don't be so stupid, I trust you okay" I replied sending him a fake smile. I didn't want to fight against him, I'm just being paranoid.

"I've got to go" He sighed making me roll my eyes and huff. I sound so spoilt but I don't want my only time talking to Brad spent arguing.

"Okay" Was all I could reply.

"Well, I love you" He said with a smile whilst blowing a little kiss.

"I love you too" I said sending back a genuine smile and pretending to catch the kiss.

We spent about a minute saying our goodbyes and neither of us wanted to hang up but finally he had to due to them having to leave the venue.

Even though I trust him and he said it was about the diary videos, something's telling me he's lying.

I continued to look at different pictures with the hashtag #thevampsontour and also I just typed in Brad and The Vamps a couple of times but I didn't really see anything out of the ordinary. To be honest I was partly looking just to stare at my boyfriend.

Every now and again it would say there was new tweets that had just been sent, so of course I'd look at what they said but again, nothing look particularly strange.

I left it for a little bit as I got changed and said my good nights to Derek, Anne and Nat before making myself comfy in Brads double bed and snuggling up with the duvet.

I decided to check one last time so I could just get it into my head that nothing had happened and that he want high and it was just a mistake and the girls assumptions were wrong. I began to believe it until I refreshed it one more time and I saw something I never had thought I would.

"Just saw @thevampsband! Was waiting outside but this hottie made an appearance, couldn't not get a photo😻" And attached with the tweet was a photo of Ross.

Ross that was meant to be with Harvey, Ross the bully, Ross the drug dealer, Ross, Brads old drug dealer.

I slumped back into the many pillows and covered myself completely in the duvet. I placed a hand over my face and laid my pone down by my side. Sighing abominably loud a year also escaped my eye.

The worst thoughts ran through my head; whys he back? Why didn't Brad tell me? Why didn't the boys tell me? Just why?

Eventually I managed to drift of to sleep, but with one horrible thought continuously flying around him my head,

He's back, and he's going to ruin him.


Lmao shit chapter I'm so sorry for not updating for ages and then presenting you with this rubbish, feel free to cry

So please give me suggestions on what could happen because nearly at a writers block and also would LOVE to include something that you guys would like to happen! I'll try my best to include any ideas you have!

What do you think will happen next???

Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment and tell your friends!!!!!!

See ya next time lovelies

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