Chapter 14 - Dad?

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Thursday, February 26th

Me and Brad have been staying in this hotel for 4 days now, and to get away from the tension and everything back at home was just lovely.

It's so peaceful and we are having the best time.

Like I said I would, I'm trying to find my parents again as I had always had a piece of paper telling me my dads name.

He was called Tim Styles.

Like Brad said he would, he did help me, but I didn't need it.

I lied when I said I hadn't ever looked hard enough, because a few years ago I believed I had found him, but because I was on drugs I never wanted to message him.

Whereas now I'm over a year clean and what have I got to lose? Brads given me that extra nudge to try and find him, plus he said the words 'Don't give up', making me really wanna do it.

I told him about me thinking I found him and he said I was the spitting image of him.

I had just messaged the person I believed was my dad. It was crazy. I may have finally found him, and if it's him, he'll be able to show me my mum.

It was weird, her name was never written down, nor was my brothers, but my dad will probably know about him too.

"Have you done it yet?" Brad asked placing his hands around my waist.

"Yes, Brad what if he doesn't reply or something" I sighed, coming back to reality.

"Mila, he's on the website, this could mean he was looking for you. Plus he will reply, you told him about the paper and the picture and the bracelet, he'll know it's you!" He said taking my hands and reassuring me.

"Yeah, you're right" I smiled turning around to face him.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He smiled forcing a kiss on my lips but quickly pulling away.

"Err, I don't mind, what do you want to do?" I asked, this time me placing a kiss on his lips and I softly rubbed his back.

"Shall we, go to the beach?" He asked and I nodded. "And then, finish this little passionate kiss off later?" He carried on as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, okay" I said a simple 'yes' in reply as I bit my lip.

We were soon walking down the roads of cornwall, hand in hand to the beach.

We spent a couple of hours there when we got to the beach, messing around, splashing in the sea, it was freezing.

By the time we had stopped being silly it was about 5 o'clock so we decided to get fish and chips and eat it sat on the wall of the beach, watching the waves crash.

"Baby you're freezing, come on!" Brad said taking off his leather jacket and wrapping it around me, then taking my hand and pulling me up.

We started walking down the roads again as the night soon came upon us.

In the distance I noticed a gang and immediately I gripped my hand to Brads tighter. He must of noticed as he pulled me in close to him.

As we got closer they all turned around, looking me up and down which made me nervous. We could hear their conversation slightly.

"No way mate" One said looking at me, his eyes fixed. "Mila?" He said making me freeze and Brad gripped my hand tighter than ever.

"We knew you'd come back" They said walking towards us as I gulped.

"I'm not back to see you lot, leave me alone, I'm clean" I shouted as they began to laugh.

I quickly pulled on Brads arm and lead him across the street, I began running.

"Mila, why run, they're gunna chase us" Brad complained.

"Brad they won't, I know what they're like" I said through pants as we carried on running.

Luckily the beach was only a few minutes away from the hotel so we arrived there pretty quickly.

"Who was it?" Brad asked as we walked into the hotel and straight away hopped into the lift.

"We don't worry" I sighed, letting to of Brads hand for the first time since the beach, to open the hotel room door as the lift finally stopped.

We both wondered into our hotel room, attempting to warm ourselves up as I opened my laptop back up.

"Brad!" I shouted. "He's replied" I gasped referring to who could be my dad.

"Really? Saying what?" He asked as he came and sat next to me.

"Saying that he can't believe it, he's been looking for me for years, and he had found my brother. Also confirming he is actually my dad" I smiled staring at the screen then turning to look at Brad.

"That's amazing gorgeous! I told you not to give up! I'm so happy for you!" He beamed back. His smile making me melt.

"I seriously can't believe it!" I smiled back as he pulled me into a huge hug.

"Er, we've been to the beach now" He replied as he began planting kisses on my jawline, neck and collar bone. "So can we pick up where we left off?" He asked.

I could sense him smirking as he planted to kisses.

"Of course we can" I said pulling him down onto me.

Things got heated and let's just say, we christened the hotel bedroom.


I feel like the chapters have been lacking interest recently, but I've put quite a bit in this one so I'm hoping this is a good chapter!!

So why do you think the gang new Mila?

Also I have a new cast!!!

Obviously The Vamps play themselves.

Mila is played by Bethany Mota

Bella is played by Ashley Benson

Hope you enjoyed it xxxxx

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