Chapter 6 - Split

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Friday, November 8th

I loved talking to Brad but in a way I'm scared.

I always end up just 'talking' to boys, then all of a sudden they just stop replying. It's always happened and why should Brad be any different?

I mean he's completely different to all the other boys because he's famous, he could forget me?

He could easily get any girl he wants, what if I'm not good enough?

I'm probably just worrying because I haven't spoken to him much recently, well at all.

I know we aren't together but I just know the same things happening, I had prepared myself for it in a way.

He was meant to be coming to see me today seeing as he got back from tour yesterday, but he was obviously seeing his family. Like I said I hadn't heard anything.

Bella was out meeting up with Tristan as they're now seeing each other, so it was just me at home on my own, at our apartment.

A sudden knock echoed through the apartment. I was reluctant to open it at first, but I did incase it was Brad, which it was.

He stumbled into the apartment, there was something different about him. He wasn't his usual cute self.

"Brad? Are you okay?" I asked shutting the apartment door and his hands flew up in the air as he mumbled something.

"What?" I asked as I walked over and took a seat next to him on the sofa.

"That was probably the worst experience of my life" He announced as I looked back confused.

"What do you mean? It can't have been that bad? Did Connor just fall off the stage again?" I laughed trying to lighten up the situation and at least get some sort of emotion out if Brad.

"Mila, Mils, this is no time for jokes, it was a lot worse than that, I don't even wanna think about it!" He slurred.

Is he drunk?

"Brad, have you been drinking?" I asked softly.

I've never seen him drunk therefore I didn't know whether he was an angry drunk or a lovely drunk, hence why I asked he softly and nicely.

"You sound like my mum for god sake" He said, an angry drunk.

I watched him as he walked into my room, what is he doing?

"So I take it you are then, what are you doing in here? Brad please just tell me what's wrong" I pleaded, he was just collapsed in my bed.

The scent of alcohol was pretty strong which pretty much answered my question.

"It's over" He simply said.

What does he mean? We were never together? What's over? What is he on about?

"What is baby?" I asked trying to comfort him.

"The band, it's done, we've broken up, I mean we were never huge in the first place I know that because we've only just started touring ourselves and it's not a huge tour" He babbled on, going slightly off the point. "But I never thought it would end, you know? I mean how could they do this too us?" He questioned, still lying back on my bed.

I just played with his fingers and traced circles on his hand, I knew this would calm him.

"How could who do this? Brad please just explain" I asked again and this time he sat up.

"It's James" He began. "His dad has been offered a job in America and apparently they have to take it and they aren't letting him stay here on his own! I mean he's twenty fucking years old, get a grip" He scoffed.

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