Chapter 17 - iMessage's

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Sunday, March 1st

I woke up in the hotel room bed, all alone.

Yeah it wasn't the best scenario, to wake up knowing my boyfriend was probably with the people I hate most, but hey, at least I'm not with them.

I was reluctant to even check my phone to see if I have any texts or call from anyone because they'd probably be a pile of shit and who wants that on a Sunday morning?

Not me! But I checked it anyway, and as expected, after turning it back on, the messages came flooding in.

The first thing that caught my eye was a notification saying Bella had messaged me.

1 iMessage from Bella

I miss you too, it's horrible without you and I'm sorry if I sounded like a bitch. Please text me more often and let me know what's going on and if Brad is treating you right because if he isn't I'll kill him. Love you xxxxx

After reading hers I replied saying I loved her too and I'd come to visit soon. I thought it would be best to leave out about how Brad is acting. She'd flip her shit.

I also thought I should probably read the other billion messages from Brad and Ross.


1 iMessage from Brad

Mjla why id tha doir lockjrd?


1 iMessage from Brad

Ley me in yoy ifiot


1 iMessage from Brad

Um not kidfing, oprn the doir


1 iMessage from Brad

Rosd sajd you womt be herr when I cone gome so oprn it, dunt lesve me


1 iMessage from Brad


After reading the texts I just mentally rolled my eyes. He was obviously drunk as well as being high as a fucking kite and I couldn't be bothered.

The only bit that worried me was that he had been here, and for all I know could still be outside.

I pulled myself away from the thought as I got another notification reminding me of Ross' messages that he must of sent last night.


1 iMessage from Ross

Okay I won't come now I know you're safe because you finally replied.


1 iMessage from Ross

Brads just woken up, we've told him he's not going anywhere. I'm not letting him see you like this


1 iMessage from Ross

I'm sorry Mila, we kept him here for as long as we could before he ran.


1 iMessage from Ross

The little fucker punched in right in the jaw


1 iMessage from Ross

Let me know when he's there and don't let him in

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