Chapter 21 - London

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Wednesday, April 7th

I've been in London for 2 days now and it's actually been alright. Both Harvey and Ross were so welcoming, it surprised me to be honest.

It's really nice to see Harvey again and I met his sister for the first time and she seems lovely.

Although it's nice to get away from Cornwall I'm missing my baby so much.

We text every day as much as we can. I get constant snapchats of rehearsals and I just love seeing them all happy again. Brad told me that him and Tristan had a talk and have sorted things back out which I'm extremely happy about.

I've decided I'm not going to hang around in London and I'm going straight back to my bear tomorrow; because of this Harvey and Ross insisted that they'd take me out for a meal tonight.

"Mila what would you like to drink?" Ross politely asked pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Just a coke please" I said smiling at the waiter.

We had already eaten our mains and Harvey insisted on buying me a desert as well to treat me because I haven't seen him in so long.

"This has actually been really nice, you've surprised me" I said directly to Ross.

"You act like I'm the demon"

"You are" I scoffed with a laugh.

"Oh thanks! It's not that, I just know what I want and I'll do anything to get it" He smirked, I sense he's just trying to act clever in front of Harvey.

"Well you need to find something new, or should I say someone, because you're never going to have me" I sent a quick smile back before tucking into my chocolate pudding I've just been served.

"Are you sure you don't want any money?" I asked directly to Harvey as I ate the last spoonful of my pudding.

"Honestly no. It's my treat, it's been so lovely to see you! Well done for stopping the drugs by the way! I don't know if I ever told you that" He smiled as he placed the correct amount of money down on the table.

"Thank you, I'm so glad I got away from it all" I said glaring at Ross slyly.

"Now now you two, I don't want any fighting on the last night Mila's here"

"We won't fight! I'm glad you got away too, I do actually look out for you now though Mils" Ross said as we exited the restaurant.

"And I'm proud of you bro, how did you ever give up?" Ross asked directly to Harvey.

"The girl that was sat in there, that's why I gave up. Bloody Willow Tomlinson"

"No way? You're still after her?" I asked remembering that she was the reason Harvey used to come to Cornwall to get away.

"Yes, alright I am. She claims she's not with Harry but I reckon they're together" He told both me and Ross.

"Harry?" I asked intrigued to show could be stealing this girl away from Harv.

"Styles. You know, your brother" I had informed both Ross and Harvey on the Harry situation seeing as they wanted to know why I suddenly needed somewhere to stay.

"Was my brother sat in there?" I asked pretty shocked. Both at the fact my brother was in there and also at the fact Harry styles was in there; I'm aware they're the same person but the shock factor is pretty high right now.

"Yup, I didn't want to tell you because it's not really he place to announce your ones sister" Harvey replied, he was right to be fair, it would of been a bit awkward.

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