Chapter 12 - The Past

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Monday, February 23rd

The train journey was going ridiculously slow.

Me and Brad barely spoke because he didn't want to speak about what happened and I didn't want to speak about what Bella had said, but that didn't stop him from pestering me.

"Mila, Mils, please tell me what she meant? It wasn't very nice" He said taking my hand.

"Brad please" I've told him to let it go about 1000 times now.

"But I don't understa-"

"Brad just stop" I said taking my hand from his.

"Well your parents then?" He asked and I just looked away hoping he'd give up. "Why don't we see them?"

"Brad" I warned.

"I mean I haven't met them before?" Yeah well neither have I.

"It'll be nice where do they live?"

"I don't know" I practically whispered.

The only person that knew about my past properly was Bella, I'd never really opened up to anyone about it.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He laughed trying to take my hand again. "Please Mila"

"Brad just leave it, please" I said in a harsh tone.

"No I want to know, come on, what are they called?"

I swear if he asks one more question...

"Or how old are they?" He asked. That's it.

"Brad can you just shut up? I have no parents okay?" I said near enough shouting.

"What?" He asked sheepishly.

"You heard. I don't have a clue who they are."

"Who did you live with then?" I mentally sighed.

I suppose he was going to have to find out soon so I might as well tell him now that we've started.

"I was in care since I was 2 months old. I don't know why. Apparently I have an older brother but he was also in care yet I never met him. I was in there until I was 15. I met Bella at the last school I attended and she was my only friend. She helped me through it all and her family, well they adopted me." I said a bit embarrassed. I was scared what he was going to think.

He took my hand in his and rubbed circles over it with his thumb. I just stared out the window.

"Did you ever look for them? You know try and find them?" He asked.

"I never found anything, I never searched well enough. I was too scared to find them in a way."

"And is that why Bella said what she did?" He asked. I nodded in reply letting a tear drip down my cheek.

"Please don't cry Mila. Mils, I'm sorry for making you open up"

"It's fine" I said wiping the one tear I had let escape, away. "You would of had to find out at sometime" I said turning to face him and giving him a soft smile.

"Well don't give up, I'll help you look for them again if you want to?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Come and give me a hug" He said gesturing me to give him a hug over the table. I accepted before sitting back down.

We sat that for a few minutes in silence before he spoke up.

To be fair he was probably taking it all in and I was getting used to the fact I had just opened up.

"Sorry to go on but what did you mean she helped you through it? Like your whole childhood or is there anything else?"

"Drugs" I said and again I didn't want to look at his reaction. I was too embarrassed.


"I did drugs okay? I was about 14. It wasn't by choice at first. I just ended getting mixed up in the wrong crowd and well no one was there to stop me or help me so" I shrugged still not facing him.

"Mila look at me" He said leaning over the small table and turning my face with his hand and keeping it rested on my cheek.

"There is no need to be embarrassed. At least you had a reason." He said as I tried to look away as I could feel tears escaping but he stopped me and wiped them away with his thumb.

"Aye aye. Don't cry! I've done them. I was probably the same age as you. But look at us now, we've both overcome it" He said. It was true. It made me feel relaxed, comfortable again.

Most things Brad says or does makes me feel relaxed and comfortable.

"Again I'm sorry for making you tell me Mils! I was just concerned" He said. His face genuinely looked upset.

"It's fine Brad, like I said you would of found out at sometime. Let's just forget it now yeah?" I asked and he nodded.

He was still holding one of my hands in his which made me feel safe, relaxed, comfortable.

"As soon as we got off at the stop that looks the prettiest we will go to the nicest looking hotel" He said as I smiled back at him.

"I love you Brad"

"I love you too, Mila"


Woops shit ending but felt like I needed to write a chapter that explained what had happened to Mila and why Bella said the things she did as you all thought it was rude.


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