Chapter 7 - The Zoo

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Friday, December 5th

"Brad come on, we will actually do something today, it's been a month. James has gone, he's had to move on! Please get up, you've stayed in this apartment for like a month straight, Tristan's moving on, Connor is too, please Brad" I pleaded.

It's true, Tristan's trying to find new jobs and has asked Brad numerous times whether he wants to, or whether they should carry on with the band. The only thing is Connor wants to go travelling.

That's what I mean by Connors moving on. He's going with his cousin and some friends, they're putting t all over twitter and keep hashtagging 'Ladsontour'.

It kills me seeing Brad like this. Every time I go to work I come back and he's still sat in the same place he was when I left.

Luckily has hasn't really gone to the drink much more after the day they decided to split or whatever. I was thankful for that as he was in a horrible horrible mood.

He hasn't told me what he was on about when he said I wouldn't stay with him because of his past and to be honest it doesn't phase me. I don't really want him knowing mine either.

"Mila do we have to" He complained, grabbing a pillow and sinking back into my bed.

"Yeah, we do" I said grabbing the pillow from underneath him. "If you do, I'll treat you" I said wiggling my eyebrows, hoping this would work.

He looked at me a grinned. I love that grin. I'd do anything to make that grin appear on his face.

"Okay, you win, where shall we go?"

"The zoo" I said smiling and he nodded in agreement.

This was the zoo was a completely different setting than usual, a different scenario, nothing would remind him of the boys and we can have just me and him time.

"The zoo it is" He said walking to the bathroom to have a shower.

He's practically stayed here since that day. He says he doesn't want to go home because they'll just bug him about the boys and what happened and I know he's not ready for that.

After about an hour we were both finally ready and heading off to the zoo.

"I'm so excited, I haven't been to the zoo since I was a child" I said as I parked my car and we both got out.

"You're so cute" He said laughing slightly as he grabbed my hand.

"What?" I chuckled at his randomness.

"You, you're cute! I'm lucky to have you" He said quickly pecking my cheek before we paid and was soon looking at all the different animals.

We saw the elephants which were my favourites and I had never seen one in real life so it was amazing!

"I wonder if we would be able to feed one?" He said as we finally reached the giraffes which he was dying to see.

"I don't know, you ask?" I said laughing slightly.

He made his way over to one of the zoo keepers. "Er excuse me mate, my girlfriend was wondering whether we would be able to feed the giraffes?" He asked smiling.

His girlfriend? I know we had that conversation the night he was drunk I was still wasn't completely sure what was going on with us, but now I guess I am. Just him calling me that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and reassured me that someone actually cared for me. It was then best feeling.

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