Chapter 25 - Cheat?

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Hi everyone! Sorry it's been sooo long, as you may know I had tonnes of college work to do but its all done and it's half term now so updates should be quicker and faster and better yayyyyy!! Please don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think!


Sunday, May 3rd

All night I struggled to sleep because my brain couldn't stop thinking about the reason as to why Ross would keep appearing at the boys shows.

Obviously the first thing that popped into my head was drugs, but surely Brad wouldn't, although I'm beginning to believe that's all it could be.

I carried on searching it on Twitter and trying to figure out reasonable explanations in my head but I just couldn't.

I laid snuggled up in Bradley's bed, taking in his scent when I moved to a new bit of the bed each time.

I withheld myself from looking on Twitter for a long as possible and to be honest it felt like forever, before I cracked and had a look. Admittedly it was probably about 2 minutes before I cracked because who actually does have will power?

I found myself finding endless pictures of Ross with the boys fans on many different tour dates be it just set my assumptions somewhat correct. Brads on the drugs again.

After counting the pros and cons in my head over and over about texting or calling Brad and confronting him about it I decided not to, simply because if I've got it wrong he'll think j don't trust him and get upset and things will just go down hill.

Instead I set for texting Ross and asking him, I didn't want to call him as I wanted as small contact with the boy as possible.

1 iMessage to Ross

Why have you been at The Vamps concert, no lying!! I NEED to know if you've been selling Brad drugs and who got hold of who etc

Unfortunately Ross had obviously been summoned not to say anything as I set him a few more texts due to my worry and I could see he had read them...and not replied.

1 iMessage to Ross

Don't fucking ignore me, you've caused me so much hell Ross I deserve for you to tell me this, please!xxx

I tried and tried again, I don't care how annoying I may seem because I simply need to know if my beloved boyfriend is on stupid drugs, again.

Finally I got a reply and after debating for a second whether I actually wanted to know the answer to my question, I clicked on the notification allowing me to see if my accusations were correct, or not.

1 iMessage from Ross

Mila please do not put me in this position. You know how hard it is for me when you ask me not to lie but in this situation I'm in the middle of your relationship and I do not want to wreck it. I think in this circumstance you need to ask Brad but if you text me again I will feel it is my need and right to tell you.

After reading that whole paragraph I decided the majority of it was completely unnecessary because he didn't answer my question at all, so yes, of course I'm going to text him again if he said he'll tell me this time. I mean why didn't he just tell me in the first place?

1 iMessage to Ross

Well yes Ross I want to know, I would of gone to Brad if i wanted to but I came to you, this is in your hands now!

After I sent the message I hoped to god this time Ross would tell me the fucking truth because in a minute I'll be marching his way ready to punch his lights out if he lies.

1 iMessage from Ross

Okay then your answer is yes. Yes Brad has been doing drugs, numerous times over and over again. I'm guessing you want me to tell you everything? Well it's before shows sometimes to get his adrenaline pumped, after shows because he can't feel good without you or some shit and then because of other things. He begged me for a while before I actually caved as I needed the money. I told him to think about the situation and I also told him you'll find out and he was adamant you wouldn't? But here we are. I'm so sorry Mila, you deserve someone so much better than him.

That text was a huge kick in the teeth but after reading it I didn't feel sad, or angry; I just felt confused, what other things did Brad do the drugs for?

1 iMessage to Ross

What other things? You said brad does drugs to get him adrenaline pumped, to feel good and because of other things. What are these other things?!

1 iMessage from Ross

Now this really isn't my place to say, you need to talk to your boyfriend, I'm sorry.xx

The way he kept dodging the answers made me more and more suspicious, why was he acting like he's on Brads side? He hates Brad and claims he loves me, well he owes me.

1 iMessage to Ross

That isn't good enough, if I wanted to ask my boyfriend I would but it'll cause more hassle. After everything's that's happened between us you owe this too me Ross, why the fuck is my boyfriend doing drugs?

1 iMessage from Ross

Because he cheated on you okay?! There is no reason to get shitty at me Mila, your boyfriends in the wrong here, not me. Now please call or come to see me, text me so I know you're okay! You really don't deserve this gorgeous, please please don't do anything

I barely read the last sentences of the text properly, I couldn't find the strength in myself. The first sentence knocked me to the ground and I'm not sure I can pull back up from it. He cheated on me, my own boyfriend, my love, cheated on me.

Thoughts kept flying through my head wondering why he would do this to me? Everything was going perfect, we finally made it through the worst and both came out better for it. Well that's what I thought anyway.

My mind kept wondering back to reality when my phone would buzz off but it was only Ross and I didn't have the mental strength to reply. I just don't.

I couldn't stop wondering why, who, when, where, what did they do exactly. I wanted to find out every little detail about it and how it even came to this.

One thing that I knew was that it's not a discussion to have over FaceTime, I have to see him in person. I'm going to the Birmingham gig in 5 days but I'm not sure I can wait all that time.

I need to know if my boyfriend really did cheat on me.


Eh oh, so I'm back and Brads a cheat apparently, what's your verdict on the situation?

Also this book may be coming to an end really soon so please share it with your friends, fellow Brad girls, anyone really!

Thank you so much for waiting and being petite my and thank you for reading, see you soooon!

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