Chapter 4 - Brads POV

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Monday, September 22nd

So today mum was coming home and me and the boys had only just returned from our tour, we were having a few months to just chill.

Mum had been on a hairdressing course for 3 weeks and informed me that she met this blonde girl called Bella who has a best friend called Mila.

Apparently Bella was into Tris and from what Bella told mum she reckons Mila was quite into me. I obliviously wanted to know what she looks like and I found them on twitter and Instagram, I'm not a stalker I promise.

Mum had sent me a picture of them that Bella showed her as well and Mila is absolutely stunning.

Anyway like I said today mum was coming home and she's arranged for the girls to come over so Bella can cut our hair or something and Mila was coming too. Apparently Mila doesn't know she's coming so that'll be interesting.

I was actually excited to see her but I did feel pretty nervous. I hate meeting new girls sometimes because in the past they've just used me for the money so I really hope she's not like that!

Anyway we were having a little BBQ and the boys are meant to be over anytime soon. I decided to just put on my black skinny jeans and a shirt and leave it slightly unbuttoned.

"OI OI Bradley bearrrrr" Tristan shouted as the boys ran into my room and bundled on me.

"About time" I said pushing them off me. "The girls are here soon, you would of been late!" I laughed smoothing my shirt back down so I didn't look bad for a first impression.

We made our way downstairs taking our guitars down as we thought we'd do a little practice.

"Smelling good Derek" Connor said to my dad as he had started the BBQ.

"The girls will be here soon boys, please make them feel welcome! They are slight fans of you!" She smiled looking at all of us before sitting down with Nat.

"1 sec I left my guitar strap upstairs, I might need it" I said before quickly running back to my room. As I was heading up I heard a knock on the door. It must be them.

I could hear faint voices as I walked down the stairs to see my dad showing who must be Mila by baby photos. Brilliant.

"Dad do you really have to show everyone them pictures?" I asked trying not to sound to rude in front of Mila.

"Hi, I'm Brad by the way" I said introducing myself, putting my hand out for her to shake it. I noticed as she shook my hand her eyes slightly glistened at my touch.

"Hi I'm Mila" She said finally replying after the short space of silence.

"Yeah I know" I smirked at her before walking off, I soon realised she wasn't following so I stopped and walked back.

"Well come on then Mila" I said as she looked up at me. "The party's outside gorgeous" I said, I couldn't help but compliment her.

I lead her outside and she immediately went to sit down with who must be Bella and I went to sit down with the lads. In the corner of my eye I saw my mum run over to her before she had time to sit.

"Darling I'm so sorry I haven't introduced myself, I'm Anne-Marie, but just call me Anne. This is Nat" She said pointing to my sister. "I see you've already met my husband and my son" She said smiling as I just smirked at Mila.

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