Leave her alone

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Claras POV

Last night replayed in my head continuously, he was amazing. I was really starting to fall for George Weasley, I never actually though he'd like me back yet here we are. I just hope he likes me as much as I like him.

Class was soon. I got up from my bed putting on quiet a short skirt as well as the rest of my uniform, I finally put on my Gryfindor robe and left. I was walking to potions when I saw a group of Slytherin girls laughing nastily. God they were horrible. In the middle of the circle I could see a hint of ginger hair paired with a ruby red lined robe. Ginny? I thought to myself. Why would she be with the Slytherin girls? They were horrid and from what I'd heard, Ginny was the sweetest little thing and these girls looked a lot older than us.

"Just leave me alone" said a whimper in the circle. I approached confidently, they would leave her alone when I was finished. If George stuck up for me, I would stick up for his sister. "Did she stutter?" I boldly questioned the group, "Its just I heard her tell you to leave her alone" I spoke again. "Well, I don't remember asking you too get involved, Lestrange you house traitor" Pansy Parkinson shot back. "Bullying someone younger than you? God you're lower than I imagined" I snarled at her. Fucking bullies. "Well, at least I didn't betray my whole family" She laughed causing her friends to join in. I never usually do this, I pray George knows I said it for Ginny when she tells him. "Parkinson, you seem to remember a lot about my family," I continued, "so I hope you remember my mother," I began walking closer to her, "word is she went crazy, like mother like daughter right?" I began to smile, she would leave Ginny alone after this, my comment only caused Pansy to laugh, "oh yeah, we all know about your murdering mother" she laughed further. Before I had processed everything I felt a pain in my knuckles as the collided with Pansy's nose, "Leave Ginny the fuck alone" I spat down at the girl who had just hit the floor, "got it?" I sneered down waiting for a yes, "Parkinson I asked a question," I spat once again at her, after seeing her head nod I was satisfied that Ginny would be okay, I pulled her hand, taking her away from the girls. "T..t..thank you, you really didn't have to do that," She looked up at me, "it was no problem, I've got to get too class now before Snape realises I'm not there," I smiled weakly at her about to turn away, "George is really lucky to have you" she smiled at me before turning to skip away. I'd be lying if that comment did'nt make me feel so incredibly happy. Shit, Snape's lesson.

George's POV

God I was missing Clara already. That was until Ginny came bumbling up to me, extremely out of breath. "Clara" she panted. "That's George" Fred said laughing. I wasn't amused. "What's wrong what happened?" I quickly replied in an almost panic. "Is she okay?" I continued to panic. "Yeah" Ginny spoke breathlessly, "she's fine" I let out a sigh of relief. "But Pansy Parkinson isn't" Ginny smiled. "Has she been giving you trouble again?" Fred questioned. My body tensed in anger at the thought of anyone touching my sibling. "well she was" Ginny paused, "but she won't now, Clara... she, erm, threatened her and then erm" she pushed again, "spit it out" Fred said to our sister, "she punched her" Fred let out a laugh as my eyes widened. My innocence Clara hitting someone? Never. "Yeah straight in the nose, she told her to leave me alone but Pansy said no and said loads of things about her mum so Clara punched her and made Pansy agree to stay away" Ginny smiled in triumph. "Where is she now?" I asked, I needed to see her. "Potions with Snape" Ginny said knowing I wouldn't be able to see Clara just yet. For fuck sake. Guess I'll wait.

~2 hours later~

"Clara!" I shouted, "where have you been all day?" She looked surpised yet happy too see me. "Oh sorry I've been in lesson. I'm always slogged with work on a Friday" she smiled sweetly up at me. "Yeah I heard about how busy you've been, Ginny came running up to me straight after it had happened" she looked panicked as I told her of my knowledge of her fight. "I can't believe you'd do that for Ginny" I smiled at her trying to make sure she knew I wasn't mad at her. "Of course I would, I mean I'd help any girl in that situation but the fact it was your sister, I guess it made me angerier than usual" she blushed and looked at her feet. I put my hand under her chin pushing her face up to see me, "you're amazing Clara" I beamed down at her.

Claras POV

Every word he said made me blush further. I couldn't believe he was really saying all of this too me. He was the amazing one. He leaned one arm against the wall as he put his other hand to my waist. God he looked stunning. "Clara?" He leaned down, "tomorrow, will you go on a date with me?" He smiled as he asked. Jesus fucking christ. Did he really just ask me that? "Holy fuck" I blurted out, oh God, I did not mean to say that out loud. George laughed at my language. "I mean, yeah, yeah I'd love too" I blushed hard. "Wicked" he whispered as he leant down to kiss me. His lips were soft. "Tomorrow at the three broomsticks" He smiled as he began to walk away leaving me to wonder about tomorrow.

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