Over hearing

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Georges POV
I was absoutely extactic for my date with Clara, I still couldn't believe she had said yes, Jesus I was lucky. Out of pure excitement, I arrived at the three broomsticks about 20 minutes earlier than I'd agreed to meet Clara. When I arrived I noticed Fred, Angelina and Alicia sat down, I thought I might as well join them since I had time to spare. "Alright beautiful" Alicia said to me as I sat down, "yeah right, I'm waiting for Clara, she agreed to go on a date with me" I said to the group, God Alicia was annoying. "Ohhh nice going Georgie" Fred smiled at me with a wink, Angelina smiled too, she really liked Clara. It had been about 20 minutes when I began wondering where Clara was. In a weird moment, Alicia took my hand in hers comparing our hand sizes. I didn't think she could get weirder yet here we are. "Get off you strange girl" I huffed, Clara had clearly stood me up. "George where are you going?" Angelina weakly smiled realisng what had happened. "Any where but here" I grunted back. I could here a distant cackle from Alicia but I wasn't in the mood to deal with it. I left the Three Broomsticks and went too my dorm, I can't believe she would do this.

Claras POV

I can't believe he would do this, invite me on a date too see him sat fondling with Alicia. I went too the Three Broomsticks as I was told but as soon as I looked through the window, she's there holding and playing with my hand, he did nothing to stop her so I immediately left. I can't believe him, I took the long walk back to the dorms, my heart honestly ached at the thought of him with someone else. By the time I'd gotten back, my tears had dried on my face. I had made it back just after everyone else, meaning there was a group of girls in a hussel in the common room. There she was the total bitch, "yeah it was basically a double date, Fred and Angelina and me and my Georgie" Alicia giggled to all her friends, Angelina was no where to be seen. Her voice alone made my blood boil and her calling him hers made it a thousand times worse but what could I say, for all I know shes right and he is hers. Why would he do this? Leaving me to over hear about his double date rather than just telling me himself. God I don't think I could hate him more right now. Alicia continued "He's deffinately going to invite me too the Yule Ball now" Fuck I was so angery I couldn't believe it. The only thing that could make me angerier right now would be seeing George himself.

Brilliant. The door of the common room sprung open with such power. George. His eyes clocked me and then Alicia, he walked over too her sitting next to her, gritting his teeth as if he didn't really want to speak he said "Hello Love" he gulped down. I couldn't keep it in anymore. "Oh so it is true double dating with your brother and this" I paused, shit my anger was getting the better of me "whore" I spat at her. "You've got some nerve, not turning up and blaming me?" George spat back, we now had everyones attention. "I am not a whore" Alicia cried. "Oh shut up" I spat. Well, I certainly wasn't the nervous book geek I appeared. "I don't even know why you're here Clara" George laughed at me in a mocking way. "You know what, neither do I, because you're wasting my time acting innocent like you're not going to take that rat to the Yule Ball, well thats the idea you've brain washed her with" God I hated him right now. I hated how even through all this he imagined to still be the most beautiful person I'd seen. "Maybe I will Clara, at least I'd know she was going to turn up" George became angrier. "Maybe she can play with your hand all over again, bet you'd love that. But you know George, if you just asked her I bet she'd give you a blowy under the table rather than just fondling your hand over a beer" I was almost crying as I turned to walk away from him. It was like realisation had hit him but he was too angery to stop, "Oh why don't you see if some Durmstrang dickhead would take you to the ball" He shouted as I began to speed walk away. I couldn't let him see me cry.

Georges POV

As my last shouts left my mouth, Fred and Angelina approached. "You alright mate?" Fred put his hand on my shoulder, I was so confused and angry. "Georgie was just about to ask me to the ball weren't you baby" Alicia giggled. Anger was still coursing through me, she was going to go with a stranger from a different school, at least I knew Alicia. "yeah" I mumbled. "O M G did you hear that girls" Alicia began squealing. Fuck what have I done. "George are you sure?" Angelina tried to comfort me but I'd already began walking to my room. "Want me to join you Georgie?" Alicia purred as she followed me. "No." Fred boomed protectively, I guess he could see who I really wanted better than I could, "he doesn't" He made sure she left me alone. God I've fucked this up.

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